virgo sun aquarius moon man in love
Feelings are important. While you share being tolerant, thoughtful and friendly with other Aquarians, you are also very distant. The best way is when this lady has people who understand her in return, they will get a woman who loves, sacrifices mean, everything will go as it should. Virgo Sun With Aquarius Rising "Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit weird?" If you are a Virgo with Aquarius rising, the mind prevails. It is common for the Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon man to find himself fighting other peoples battles and taking care of everyone else. Dont think he wont be interested in tradition and marriage. The last New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries at 2950' was April 19th, 2004, and the Lunar Nodes were in Taurus and Scorpio too. But he needs someone whos educated and accepts his parents. I just wonder if he will ever bring our relationship out of hiding & be the type of lover who wants only me or should I just give up on that dream Im a woman who is Scorpio Sun & moon,Venus in Virgo & He is Capricorn Sun & Venus in Aquarius. Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon Clever and meticulous, the Virgo sun Aquarius moon man or woman is an individual who knows how to get things done. The Moon in Aquarius personality can be a bit hard to understand at times. But the Sun in Virgo opposes, cannot deal with it so well, and wants to set boundaries if possible. Gaining insight into your subconscious is very helpful to you because it can help you analyze other peoples behavior and understand yourself more deeply. Insightful Analyses Into What It Means To Be A Virgo. They are analytical problem solvers who seek perfection in all they do. The single-most important secret to win over an Aquarius lover is to be different from everyone he/she knows. As a fixed sign, this man is very much influenced by the way hes been brought up. Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon man personalities are quite different in temperament to their female counterparts and indeed share little common ground with them. So if youre looking for a loyal friend or partner, a Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon man is the one for you. Both Ashton Kutcher and Bruce Willis have Venus in Aquarius, as do Elton John, Paris Hilton, Taylor Swift, Quentin Tarantino, Axl Rose, Chris Rock, and Mitt Romney. The Virgo-born men tend to be practical, neat and orderly. I am a cancer woman and I know they (astrology) tell me to move on. They love knowledge and the pursuit of it. If you dont watch yourself, hell have you half-naked in his arms where you least expect it, like at a bus-stop. He is honest, reliable, and loyal. You tend to hold your affections back for big causes and for humanity as a whole, because you are drawn to the conceptual. He just enjoys being different, and he is even proud of his individualism. Read all about this. I think the key is to just give Venus/Aquarius people their head space. This will give her the alone time she needs to feel comfortable. They analyze people, want to have fun and then get bored with you and throw you away like a piece of trash ( it happened to me with a venus in aquarius guy ). He is able to put into persons that can be great marital partners and the persons who give it all for their family and the person they choose, so from the moment of entering into marriage, it is somehow subordinate to that field. I keep in touch with all my acquaintances, for i care for them, and value their opinion. rcel.async = true; And it shouldnt be a problem for Aquarius to have time for herself, because Sun in Virgo will be busy with some task thats never completed (because it could always be better). Shes not a Why cant you be normal? kind of girl. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The Aquarius moon gives them a strong sense of intuition and open-mindedness to see both sides of every issue. Although she is used for the Moon and he is used for the Sun sign, these pronouns are only used for convenience. Your combination has a lot of people who go through life feeling somewhat disaffected from those around them, but who are bright and creative. He is very loyal. Aquarius Moon Individualistic, humanitarian, innovative, and eccentric are characteristics of a person born with their moon in Aquarius. He is endowed with marvelous intuition and supernatural ability to analyse character when this trait is directed in the direction of the help other people, and it is also one of his most amazing virtues. Some astrologers like to consider the luminaries and in particular the Moon as the pointer of public behavior and spontaneous reactive patterns that are triggered by the emotions and all those things that come from the inside. Conjunctions are one of the main aspects to interpret in a natal chart and synastry. You are not Pisces-type martyrs, but you are martyrs in your own way. Get your free 3-minute psychic reading + 50% Off your First Session right now! Aquarius (Born February 10-19) and Aquarius Ascendant from 20 to 30 degrees Aquarius: May 2023 Aquarius Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends May 2023. This [], Neptune conjunct Uranus synastry signifies a potent bond that can ignite profound spiritual and intellectual development between two people. 33 likes, 0 comments - Full Moon Calendar App (@everythingmooncycle) on Instagram on August 16, 2021: "Sun in Leo Waxing Gibbous Moon in Saguttarius 2 of Wands #moon #newmoon #fullmoon #luna #Iunaph . They will need their alone time. This woman always draws attention to herself with her unusual behavior and eccentric dress, and a woman with this luminary combination, at a certain age in her life, let others see her as unusual in her surroundings, by the price that they dont understand her. I have a tendency of finding people "boring" and move one. He believes that his knowledge is his strong point and that he can use it for the benefit of others. This combination blends a friendliness, originality and independence that is Aquarius, with the discrimination, precision and practical abilities of Virgo. Virgo Sun Leo Moon. well I know a sag + aqua venus aquariusthey have been married for 46 years, Ascendant: Leo Your email address will not be published. Aries. You are somewhat fastidious in your tastes, neat and orderly, and perhaps particular in dress. The moon, Ive heard, is the most important planet to look at in what a man need in a relationship All the other planets in earth must count a lot to, dont you think? You favor the rational approach to life far away from emotional issues. They can be a very determined person who doesnt mind being on his own in order to work toward a goal. Shell point out that one truth or clarity that snaps him out of his anxiety. Maybe he just likes my unnaturally colored hair & that I have nothing in common with all his friends. Thats why they will always come with advice in how their partner can improve. You prefer to focus on facts, logic, and rational thought rather than the waters of emotion, so you might tend to rationalize your deepest feelings. You possess a deep interest in almost everything. This Sun-Moon combination is characterized by good judgment, understanding, and an ability to bring out the best in people. In the beginning, we must say that this person has such nature that is always open to his own needs, but also to the needs of others; he is altruistic in some way and can be selfless in this way, directing his actions to the human good. When we have [], Sun in Virgo Moon in Aquarius Compatibility, Sun in Virgo Moon in Aquarius compatibility. = 'rc_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus signs. Demonstration of affection may need cultivation at times to assure harmony and happiness. Now, try the right place. Everything about her is unusual (in a good way), and the only difference is that when she is younger, she cares what others things, and in later years, she stops caring about what others say of her. These conflicts can move to other things (like relationships), where she feels like she is playing a role instead of just being herself. This makes their influence over the synastry chart much more meaningful. If you're looking for an edge up on the competition, tap into the power of this astrological combination! This article is accurate but in the end it truly saddens me when they say the Aquarian will move on leaving me in awe. Avoid insulating yourself behind a barrier of intellectual aloofness and relate to all kinds of people. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. And with the Moon in Scorpio, it will be deeply sexual. Merc in PISCES needs to understand ones words & actions very much; so see how your Merc aligns with his MARS, SUN, etc.. The Sun in Virgo is close, but the Moon in Aquarius is a sign of great openness, making people become visionaries who are always striving for something new and innovative. They have a complex nature, difficult to get to know. In cases that this lady does indeed forms a family, then she becomes a mamma bear, taking care of her family the best she can. It does not mean you are more arrogant and it does not imply that traditions are negative or bad: they become destructive when people copy and paste life with an biased, unfair and subjective BS. Because, without professional help, they are doomed. Though very much down-to-earth, this zodiac sign has an otherworldly aura about it, with deep wisdom overlaying an incredibly practical demeanor. Very nice :), Im a Sun Sagittarius/Venus in Aquarius woman and the above applies to me 100% Its like it was written for me. Nadia blogs regularly at Ruby Slipper Astrology. var rcds = document.getElementById("rcjsload_3756f6"); rcds.appendChild(rcel); Moon Sign: Pisces Wendy. However, deep inside, this man does not really mean it. This would be an almost perfect love relationship to me, however, if I really want an Aquarius guy, I dont want him to leave me. The Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon woman would do anything to be of help. Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon lovers are only looking to improve themselves and their environment. I crave excitement and become bored in stagnant relationships..I demand truth, honesty, and loyalty in love above all thingsI do desire security but can rarely forgive if dissolutioned. I love freedom, but I dont want to be treated feelingless, I want real feelings in a relationship. Virgos are known for their volunteering, sensitivity, the need to be of service, perfectionism, practical intelligence, loyalty and hard work. While sharing many of the traits of other Virgos, Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon people are less predictable and follow their own interests rather than doing what they are told. You sacrifice a good reputation for the sake of forcing the world to consider new ways of loving each other. This post looks at the compatibility between the combination ofSun in Virgo Moon in Aquarius. Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Libra Rising, Aries Venus. Virgo is a mutable sign, which means they are people who like change. We accept routine very well and we are probably the most realistic, down-to-earth of all venus, love to love and serve people also through actions. He has a deep appreciation for life, loves to read, ponder and meditate. I realize that while my Sun and rising Capricorn makes me appear not-so-approachable but give me a chance to have an intellectual conversation bam! The cosmos has prepared many surprises for them, and in accordance with how a person accepts it, such will be his destiny. They are versatile, resourceful, productive and have a very clear sense of purpose and direction in life. The Venus in Aquarius woman stands out by dressing differently or wearing her hair differently. Just be ready for some occasional aloofness and independence! You refuse to fit into the mold of what is expected from you in regard to love relationships. Both partners are very passionate and intent when working toward their goals. You may need to be more open in discussion, and be willing to make changes and compromise for this relationship. She hates injustice and is committed to higher goals. Whether you have a conservation Sun sign in Capricorn or an ultra-sensitive one in Pisces, if your Moon is in Leo, your soul is that of a diva. In my opnion, Venus in aquarius is social, has a friendly facade but to me is detached, cold, superficial, lack empathy, emotional support, among other characteristics. And sometimes they are, and he must maybe have some balance in this way and at least try to stop himself from saying all of his ideas out loud. And they believe that a love for the people will make the entire world a better place. People with sun in Virgo and moon in Aquarius have a unique personality. He possess obvious traits from his Sun and Moon signs. I am a Capricorn sun ,Capricorn rising, Gemini moon, Aquarius Venus and mercury. I hae made a couple stupid mistakes . Moon in Aquarius Moon in Aquarius people are born to mothers who offer conditional love. Your ability to analyze gives you an intuitive insight into peoples feelings, but your responses are largely restrained, and you come across as being somewhat aloof. Each zodiac sign is associated with certain traits, philosophies and characteristics that reflect the unique nature of each individual. As adults, they are very . Today we are looking into the life of the human who has Sun positioned in the Virgo sign and Moon in the Aquarius sign; this observation will lead us closer to the understanding of this character. She simply needs the right man. Thank you . Virgo as mutable sign, not stay-at-home necessarily and dont worry I gave up . Wow Im also a pisces sun moon leo! Individuals with Virgo sun Aquarius moon are logical, observant, analytical, and versatile individuals with an innovative personality. Maybe, as a Venus in Aquarius man, I just like too many people to think you can find everything in one person? They have an excellent eye for details, and they use all facts to make excellent conclusions in various situations. He is an amalgamation of a weekend getaway the moon and dine you can either be. Because they can easily detach themselves from others problems, they would make great doctors and nurses. Married people will rekindle the spark and strengthen their bonds of love, especially after 15 May. Only someone with the planet Venus in Aquarius will be an "Aquarius in love." Find out your Venus sign. Venus in Aquarius will get into a tight relationship if it offers some shock value, if it upsets the status quo. She will do it in small details and will demand the same amount of dedication from her team.. The Sun, Moon, and Rising signs describe the way a person expresses their personality, and identify their natural talents. They have a lot of relationships, which are no obligation. The partner must meet their intellectual needs. Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter aren't the only planets making big moves mid-month. It is important to balance your mind and body in order to maintain good health. Cause if we were born at the same time we need to TALK. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I was always poorly treated by him. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. She would make a great scientist. But the flip side of this is his imperative to keep improving. No one has said that we should live in the past, that is for sure, but looking and learning from it, is the best way you do not return to it. The key to understanding the Virgo character is that it is highly analytical. They will rarely hurt their loved ones or hold any grudges. He wants to good in society and is a person who can set realistic goals for his life, supported by constructive criticism in conflicts not only of his own intentions but also in the outside world. They are usually knowledgeable and have a great capacity for analysis and rational thought. People with Aquarius sun and Virgo moon have a character which is a combination of earth and air element. The fact is that people who have this set of luminaries have a mind that others do not understand (and they prefer when that is the case, because of the Sun in Virgo). That's because Aquarius is an air sign, which typically rules thinking, while Virgo is an earth sign, which governs physical reality. But Pisces truly enjoy and realistically need a lone time to recuperate our souls, hence giving our men space. Moon Aquarius and Moon Virgo in love can be a good pair, if you can find a common ground to share. In their lives, there are divorces and terminations of relations in various ways. Virgo is the caretaker personality. Theyre thrifty to a fault, but will never turn down a glass of champagne on offer - lifes too short! var referer="";try{if(referer=document.referrer,"undefined"==typeof referer)throw"undefined"}catch(exception){referer=document.location.href,(""==referer||"undefined"==typeof referer)&&(referer=document.URL)}referer=referer.substr(0,700); The first lunar eclipse of 2023 rises on May 5. We will see each other a few days in a row, then I think he needs his space. Never say that you think theyre boring or normal. Because they have a detached approach towards people and problems, they will seem different than others. Note: Your Venus sign shows your characteristics in close relationships, not necessarily in any other area of your life. Psychosomatic issues can result from overwork or overexposure to tense or stressful situations. I cant imagine being with someone with Venus in Virgo, as Virgo is the stay-at-home, traditional sort. Looking for love in all the wrong places? In fact, when deceived or hurt, I am extremely emotional inside and outwardly my emotions will go cold and aloof almost immediately..not by choice, its just who I am.. The Virgo sun gives those with this pairing an analytical mind and sharp attention to detail. The Sun symbolizes your primary functionthe ability to relate well to others. They will heave a sigh of relief after the eclipse, and Jupiter coming out of combustion. All it takes is a little nurture, and this sign will return favors ten-fold. But I guess it makes for an interesting combination. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are incredibly close to each other, usually but not always in the same [], Squares are challenging aspects in any synastry chart, including Sun square Sun synastry. They are very independent and strong individuals. I just feel like there are so many things to see and learn and experience besides worrying about someone all day long. Until May 11th: The Sun continues to highlight your solar third house--a time of the year in which you are most likely to be a "busy bee". The Moon in Scorpio craves depth and this will reflect his/her attitude towards sex as well. If our world is ever to grow in our definition of love, it will be due to the ideas, experiments, and crazy one-night-stands of Venus in Aquarius. The Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon woman personality traits are blended from the ethereal wellsprings of your feminine soul. She is an idealist and a hard worker who can sometimes become obsessed with details. A partner who has a busy life of his own is ideal for her. You are believable and sincere; a person who gives excellent sound advice, usually in a very matter-of-fact way. Don't be surprised to find your partner with a keen interest in philosophy, psychology or human development. I have venus in Sag and were meant to be compatible I have been with tons of women and none come close to her sense of fun, quirkiness and individuality. And w/my Aqua SUN & Aqua VENUS in complete sync w/his Gemini MARS, our male/female energy is strong & antidotes some of the other. Im sorry about my rant about Aquarius males, theyre almost perfect, but without feelings, its no relationship at all to me. Unemotional,Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon natives prefer not to deal with the mundane. Not that theyre not sympathetic. This can make them appear more confident than they feel inside; they need their ego strokes. Omg I mm a sun pisces/Leo moon too ! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. And who better to balance out Virgos relentless anxieties than detached Aquarius? Are you ready to explore the possibilities this pairing offers? They are a hard-working bunch who dont really mind a necessary workload to get the job done. The person with Venus in Aquarius in an extremely special, unconventional, and rebellious lover. Virgos are hard-working individuals that like structure and routine in their lives. She is sociable and friendly with a strong sense of justice that serves people well. They can also be critical of themselves and others. But again, the way he sees love depends a lot on his upbringing. We like it weird :). These people first expect their partner to be their friend and only then everything else. This man is a philosopher who does not believe that other forces rule the world and his life but wants to freely express his own potentials: freedom of speech and movement, and friendship and humanity are its ideals. For example, if your society is full of wild party animal types, then youll be attracted to the only homely, shy person.The single-most important secret to win over an Aquarius lover is to be different from everyone he/she knows At the same time, they enjoy life and are fun to be around. To make your Aquarius lover feel loved, you must first remember that they are an air love sign. In fact it annoys me to a certain extent after a while. They enjoy discussing things, including fantasies. Hii ! They are hard workers and can often be found in careers that allow them to help others. anyone who is dating Aquarius must read this article , i wish i know Aquarius better , so i could make my last relationship well with my ex boyfriend who is Aquarius , any way we are already moved on ,and i want to date another Aquarius if possible. By the way she dresses, you can tell she has good taste. They are happiest when they have someone to talk to. To the Virgo man, the emotion he feels is in the moment, but its on his terms, and he will make sure it will fit into his schedule. Its not unusual for them to become extremely interested in a concept or a plan and to dream about it. And the girl with the Moon in this sign makes no exception. Emotionally he seems detached almost turned off sometimes by my rendition of my sensitive side filled with insecurities. . This place belongs to the person who is born in the Libra Zodiac sign emotional and romantic Libra lover will want to hear the tender and loving words he needs so much. If you have Venus in Aquarius, youre not necessarily craving the craziest lover, just the one whos most different. You will . . Continue with Recommended Cookies. Friendly and charming, Virgo Sun Aquarius Moon can be very personable. But remember, Virgo MOON is also very sensual. The Sun in Virgo with an Aquarius Moon, and brings a wonderful gift of industry and organization. But if raised in a dysfunctional family, this lady will most likely cheat. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page..