spanish phonetic transcription
Southern European Spanish (Andalusian Spanish, Murcian Spanish, etc.) [125], Speakers in northern and central Spain, including the variety prevalent on radio and television, have both // and /s/ (distincin, 'distinction'). Se lleg el turno del Sol, quien comenz a brillar con fuerza. There's an update in the Spanish phonetic translator. This setting is always on for sample texts. Vowel sounds are all roughly the same, but there are differences in the way consonants are pronounced. The phonetic transcription is from and some other websites. ccin words likeaccinis two separate sounds [k], whilellandrrhave their own values (see table). [118] Since medial codas are often stressed and must undergo place assimilation, greater importance is accorded to their acquisition. [120] Many of the most frequent words heard by children have irregular stress patterns or are verbs, which violate nonverb stress rules. Phonetic transcription - Convert text to IPA transcription free Phonetic Transcription Convert English text into IPA or phonetic respelling to help you improve pronunciation. [40][41] Thus /n/ is realized as [m] before labial consonants, and as [] before velar ones. Either a trill or a tap can be found after the word-medial obstruent consonants /b/, /d/, /t/, depending on whether the rhotic consonant is pronounced in the same syllable as the preceding obstruent (forming a complex onset cluster) or in a separate syllable (with the obstruent in the coda of the preceding syllable). To add more voices to the above list do the following: Please buy a subscription to unlock all audio and video recordings! However, a general pattern of acquisition of phonemes can be inferred by the level of complexity of their features, i.e. Here's how you can do it: There are so many things you can do with your word list: Watch a tutorial "How to create custom word lists". Click the second menu to select the version of phonetic transcription that you want to see in the audio/video player. There is, however, an alternation between the plain mid vowels /e, o/ and the opening diphthongs /ie, ue/ (with /e/ occurring instead of /ie/ in the word-initial position) that is similar to the distinction between the close /e, o/ and the open /, / in the aforementioned languages; compare hel /elo/ 'it froze' and tost /tosto/ 'he toasted' with hiela /ela/ 'it freezes' and tuesto /tuesto/ 'I toast'. In Standard European Spanish, the voiced obstruents /b, d, / before a pause are devoiced and laxed to [, , ], as in club [klu] ('[social] club'), sed [se] ('thirst'), zigzag [ia]. The pronunciation of Latin American Spanish varies widely from place to place, so the following notes are intended to give a general picture only. Este transcriptor fontico lo ayudar a obtener una transcripcin fontica muy precisa de su texto en espaol. The Spanish rr is essentially many taps in a row, and you can practice it by saying the tt sound in butter over and over. Realizations like /taspor.te/, /is.talar/, / are very common, and in many cases, they are allowed even in formal speech. Any words that do have a phonetic transcription are pronounced in a way that you would not expect, such as reloj [re'lo] for example, or they have been taken from another language and given a Spanish sound, often while keeping the original spelling. You will be prompted to select the transcription and enter the meaning/translation of the word (the latter for most languages is optional). The IPA chart allows us to compare sounds across languages using this common written phonetic alphabet. ahorita [oita] 'right away'). The tap is found in words where there is no syllable boundary between the obstruent and the following rhotic consonant, such as sobre 'over', madre 'mother', ministro 'minister'. However there are exceptions to this "rule" in both Spain and Latin America. If you know how a foreign word is written phonetically using the IPA, you can both compare the pronunciation with familiar sounds native to your language, and also understand how to correctly pronounce any word. Stops and nasals may be realized as velar (e.g. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Count # Texas California New Mexico Nevada Florida Arizona New Jersey New York Illinois United . The deletions and neutralizations show variability in their occurrence, even with the same speaker in the same utterance, so nondeleted forms exist in the underlying structure. the English la, In an open syllable (one which ends in a vowel) like, When used as a vowel i.e. This tool is the online converter of English text to IPA phonetic transcription. Phonetic symbols chart: Spanish (IPA) a casa /k a .s a /, una /u.n a / e seor /s e .o/, creo /k e .o/ i aqu /a.k i /, dinero /d i .n.o/ o como /k o .m o /, esto /s.t o / u t /t u /, usted / u s.t/ el / l/, est / s.ta/ favor /fa. o/, sabes /sa. Spanish speaking Doctors nearby with great reviews. In word-final position the rhotic is usually: Morphologically, a word-final rhotic always corresponds to the tapped [] in related words. We recently updated our Spanish phonetic translator. For example: The IPA is a phonetic alphabet used around the world to show how words are pronounced. The phonetic transcription was taken from these sources in accordance with the Copyright Act of Canada (Paragraph 29, Fair Dealing for the purpose of education). Note that in cases where IPA transcriptions are given for Spanish words, the stress mark [] is inserted in the same way as explained for English. That said, it does appear after [w] in some Basque loans, such as Aurrer, a grocery store, Abaurrea Alta and Abaurrea Baja, towns in Navarre, aurresku, a type of dance, and aurragado, an adjective referring to poorly tilled land. Spanish pronunciation is relatively simple compared to other languages. Once you finished adding words to your word list, click on. phonetic transcription ( fuh - neh - dihk trahn - skrihp - shihn ) noun 1. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. [115] Some children acquire an adult-like trill within this period and some fail to properly acquire the trill. This alternation does not appear in verbal or nominal inflection (that is, the plural of doncel is donceles, not *doncelles). We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. The charts below show how the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Spanish language pronunciations in Wikipedia articles. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a notational system that's used to represent spoken language as text. I added the possibility to display phonetic transcription under each line of text in English, French and Spanish phonetic translators. Spanish, Spanish phonetics, Spanish pronunciation, IPA, IPA chart, IPA translator, dictionary, language learning, phonetic dictionary, phonetic transcription, subtitle converter. The phoneme // is realized as an approximant [] in all contexts except after a pause, a nasal, or a lateral. Unstressed vowels are relaxed only slightly (compare Englishnatural[ntrl] with Spanishnatural[natural]). ", "Divisin silbica y ortogrfica de palabras con "tl", "Enlace / Encadenamiento - Lawless Spanish Pronunciation", "Variacin de la -/d/ final de palabra en Madrid: prestigio abierto o encubierto? Highly recommended. If you have not recently listened to a Spanish word on the site, the pronunciations will default to a Latin American accent and the SPA written pronunciation. Only in a few verb forms does the stress fall further back than the antepenultimate syllable:cntamelo,prohbaselo. For some examples of this, see the main dictionary text underchalet,jazzandshock. Esta es una transcripcin autntica de un soneto de Shakespeare del siglo XVII. If you need to copy the phonetic transcription into another program or print it, please read our FAQ. Most varieties spoken in Spain, including those prevalent on radio and television, have both // and /s/ (distincin). There are two semiconsonants in Spanish which appear in a variety of combinations as the rst element. These options only work if you choose to display the transcription above each word. nios [nioh] 'children'), or before another consonant (e.g. lbum [alun] ('album'). tres 'three', fro 'cold'). As in English, the Spanish alphabet contains 5 vowels:"a, e, i, o, u". El Viento del Norte y el Sol discutan por saber quin era el ms fuerte de los dos. The pronunciation described below could be called 'educated' Castilian. 5 Writtenhis silent in Castilian, but in parts of Mexico and Peru thishis aspirated at the start of a word, so you may nd incorrectly spelt forms such asjarto(forharto) andjablar(forhablar). Fundamental Spanish Phrases to Learn Right Away. Try Rev AI's global speech recognition API. It provides a set of symbols to represent the pronunciation of Spanish in Wikipedia articles, and example words that illustrate the sounds that correspond to them. Because Spanish pronunciation is so regular you will nd that in Part I of the dictionary (Spanish into English) most of the headwords are not transcribed phonetically in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). "Callo" and "cayo" are pronounced the same - on Get a Word Want to Learn Spanish? The most common is perhaps the International Phonetic Alphabet. If you do not allow these cookies then some or all of these services may not function properly. Examples for Everything This cheat sheet doesn't contain some frequent phonemes such as /t/, /d/, or /n/. While the distinction between these two sounds has traditionally been a feature of Castilian Spanish, this merger has spread throughout most of Spain in recent generations, particularly outside of regions in close linguistic contact with Catalan and Basque. "Caza" and "casa" are pronounced the same - off Comparehalar/jalarand other cases in the main dictionary text. Exceptions are marked orthographically (see below), whereas regular words are underlyingly phonologically marked with a stress feature [+stress].[89]. buey, 'ox'; cambiis, 'you change'; cambiis, '(that) you may change'; and averiguis, 'you ascertain'). In these cases the phonemic contrast is said to be neutralized. Learn how to pronounce thousands of words in Spanish for free using SpanishDict's pronunciation videos. While many diphthongs are historically the result of a recategorization of vowel sequences (hiatus) as diphthongs, there is still lexical contrast between diphthongs and hiatus. La transcripcin fontica proporciona un servicio que la ortografa no puede dar. SPA is a simplified phonetic alphabet that uses the letters found in everyday Spanish and English to represent all the sounds in both languages! Sign up for a trial and get a free access to this feature! Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. [46], The alveolar trill [r] and the alveolar flap [] are in phonemic contrast word-internally between vowels (as in carro 'car' vs caro 'expensive'), but are otherwise in complementary distribution, as long as syllable division is taken into account: the tap occurs after any syllable-initial consonant, while the trill occurs after any syllable-final consonant.[47][48]. The letter x before consonants is pronounced as - ks. When attempting to pronounce such words for the first time without deleting the first consonant, Spanish speakers insert a short, often devoiced, schwa-like svarabhakti vowel between the two consonants.[107]. These are also the. In parts of southern Spain, the only feature defined for /s/ appears to be voiceless; it may lose its oral articulation entirely to become [h] or even a geminate with the following consonant ([mihmo] or [mimo] from /mismo/ 'same'). You can create your own custom word lists using this phonetic translator. Some scholars,[69] however, state that Spanish has eleven allophones: the close and mid vowels have close [i, u, e, o] and open [, , , ] allophones, whereas /a/ appears in front [a], central [a] and back [] variants. As a rule, the Spanish spoken in the upland areas of Latin America is similar to Castilian Spanish, while the lowland and coastal areas have many features of Andalusian pronunciation. Sometimes you may need to do the opposite - enter phonetic transcription and find which words match this pronunciation. As in English, capital letters are used to begin words in the following cases: Mara, el Papa, el Rey, la Real Academia Espaola, Viernes Santo, el Partido Laborista, Dios, Note that where the article is an integral part of the proper name, it also begins with a capital El Escorial, La Haya, La Habana but where the article is generally or optionally used with the name of a country, it does not begin with a capital la India,la Argentina. and several lowland dialects in Latin America (such as those from the Caribbean, Panama, and the Atlantic coast of Colombia) exhibit more extreme forms of simplification of coda consonants: The dropped consonants appear when additional suffixation occurs (e.g. In these environments, it may be realized as an affricate ([]). [122] However, there are numerous other features of pronunciation that differ from dialect to dialect. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. The words from different frequency intervals will be highlighted in the following colors: If you want to make the frequency analysis of your text and obtain the detailed statistics, please use Spanish word frequency counter. This phonetic translator will help you obtain very accurate phonetic transcription of your Spanish text. doscientos [dojentos] 'two hundred'). BIn a combination of weak + weak vowels, again forming a diphthong, the stress falls on the second element:ruido,fuimos,viuda. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. La transcripcin fontica en su mayora es de [123] In Spanish America, most dialects are characterized by this merger, with the distinction persisting mostly in parts of Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and northwestern Argentina. Please buy a subscription to get access to this feature! Making educational experiences better for everyone. Then submit your text by clicking the button. So, if you are more advanced student, you may want to learn more about Spanish phonology, including: This phonetic translator can show both broad (phonemic) and narrow transcriptions. Integrity must be maintained between the key and the transcriptions that link here; do not change any symbol or value without establishing, For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see, Wikipedia key to pronunciation of Spanish. Listen to the voice samples below and choose the one you like. [1][2][3][4] For historical development of the sound system see History of Spanish. [27] In addition, [] occurs in Rioplatense Spanish as spoken across Argentina and Uruguay, where it is otherwise standard for the phonemes // to be realized as voiced palato-alveolar fricative [] instead of [], a feature called "zhesmo". [103] Liquid and nasal codas occur word-medially and at the ends of frequently used function words, so they are often acquired first.[119]. *Though not strictly letters of the alphabet, these are considered separate sounds in Spanish. [87], Primary stress occurs on the penultima (the next-to-last syllable) 80% of the time. These cookies do not store any personal information. [35], When two rhotics occur consecutively across a word or prefix boundary, they result in one trill, so that da rocas ('they give rocks') and dar rocas ('to give rocks') are either neutralized, or distinguished by a longer trill in the latter phrase. [52] a/ In addition to synalepha across word boundaries, sequences of vowels in hiatus become diphthongs in fast speech; when this happens, one vowel becomes non-syllabic (unless they are the same vowel, in which case they fuse together) as in poeta [poeta] ('poet') and maestro [maesto] ('teacher'). Providers cannot request to alter or remove reviews. Click the "Speak" button, and listen to the sound of input text in browsers that support TTS (Chrome, Safari, Firefox). Assimilated borrowings usually delete the first element in such clusters, for example (p)sicologa 'psychology'. Even native Spanish speakers and freelancers can greatly accelerate their workflow. [133] In Eastern Andalusian and Murcian Spanish, word-final /s/, // and /x/ regularly weaken, and the preceding vowel is lowered and lengthened:[134], A subsequent process of vowel harmony takes place so lejos ('far') is [lx], tenis ('you [plural] have') is [tnj] and trboles ('clovers') is [tl] or [tol].[135]. Mientras discutan, se acerc un viajero cubierto en un clido abrigo. Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. However, in words adopted from other languages, the breathy aspiration is maintained. fsforo [fohfoo] 'match') so the change occurs in the coda position in a syllable. This article is about the phonology and phonetics of the Spanish language. Some of the tools listed below convert Spanish text to phonetic transcription using International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols. Spanish pronunciation is easy. 4 In all parts of Latin America you will often nd confusion between the letterslandr:clin(forcrin),carma(forcalma) etc. share it with other people (for example, your students). [Example: ca-, SPA is the SpanishDict Phonetic Alphabet, a simplified phonetic alphabet created by the SpanishDict team. in the word. We just love what they do! [43][44][45] In dialects that maintain the use of //, there is no contrast between // and /l/ in coda position, and syllable-final [] appears only as an allophone of /l/ in rapid speech. )[113] The allophonic distribution of [b d ] and [ ] produced in adult speech is not learned until after age two and not fully mastered even at age four. [141] Guitart (1997) argues that it is the result of speakers acquiring multiple phonological systems with uneven control like that of second language learners. Arguably, Eastern Andalusian and Murcian Spanish have ten phonemic vowels, with each of the above vowels paired by a lowered or fronted and lengthened version, e.g. These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. For example, the IPA symbol [] corresponds to the th sound at the beginning . [108] For a brief discussion contrasting Spanish and English syllable structure, see Whitley (2002:3235). The number of the audio recordings is indicated in the following table. transcripcin fontica de nuevas palab ras y frases. THE BEST SPANISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Get More than a Translation Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. [109] A hierarchy may be constructed, and if a child is capable of producing a discrimination on one level, they will also be capable of making the discriminations of all prior levels.[110]. export it into a file (Word, Excel, plain text). IPA The Phonetic Representation of Language This site is not affiliated with the International Phonetic Association. Copyright Curiosity Media Inc. Machine Translators NOUN The phonetic transcription that you see on the dictionary tab depends on the last region and written pronunciation format that you selected. Sample translated sentence: The approach most commonly adopted may be described as phonetic transcription. Click the first menu in the top left corner of the audio/video player to select a pronunciation from Spain or Latin America. The phonetic transcription of the Latin-American dialectal variants of Spanish is based on the rules for transcribing Spanish as it is spoken in the central region of Spain [3]. [121] This complicates stress rules until ages three to four, when stress acquisition is essentially complete, and children begin to apply these rules to novel irregular situations. This letter has three different values depending on position and context: At the start of the breath-group, and after, Between vowels and after consonants other than, In the nal position, the second type of [] is further relaxed or completely omitted. In these cases thenis pronounced double [nn]. Display allophones for the phonemes /l/, /m/ and /n/, Display allophones for the phonemes /p/, /t/ and /k/, Display tilde diacritic over nasal vowels. Research suggests that children overgeneralize stress rules when they are reproducing novel Spanish words and that they have a tendency to stress the penultimate syllables of antepenultimately stressed words, to avoid a violation of nonverb stress rules that they have acquired. Stressed vowels are pronounced slightly more open and short beforerr(comparecarrowithcaro,perrowithpero). bscalo /buskalo/ ('look for it'). side[sad],know[n]). MODERN ENGLISH In parts of Colombia, all Peru, Bolivia, N. Chile and Paraguay it remains []. by sound classes. It does not face as much stigma as other neutralizations, and may go unnoticed.[139]. [66] Both of those features are viewed as strongly non-standard by other speakers. [145] That said, the onset cluster /tl/ is permitted in most of Latin America, the Canaries, and the northwest of Spain, and the fact that it is pronounced in the same amount of time as the other voiceless stop + lateral clusters /pl/ and /kl/ support an analysis of the /tl/ sequence as a cluster rather than an affricate in Mexican Spanish.[100][101]. Thus, the point of articulation is not defined and is determined from the sounds following it in the word or sentence. Unless otherwise noted, statements refer to Castilian Spanish, the standard dialect used in Spain on radio and television. Because of the phonotactic constraints, an epenthetic /e/ is inserted before word-initial clusters beginning with /s/ (e.g. We offer high-quality, accurate, and efficient translations for individuals and organizations across the globe, and ensure that, in addition to unparalleled quality and precision, every translation you receive comes with prompt customer . Spanish-speaking children will accurately produce most segments at a relatively early age. This unmerged pronunciation predominates in the Andes, lowland Bolivia, Paraguay, some rural regions of Spain and some of northern Spain's urban upper class.[1]. If you have not recently listened to a Spanish word on the site, the pronunciations will default to a Latin American accent and the SPA written pronunciation. These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. After submitting your text, click on the word you want to add to the word list and then click the button ". viuda [bjua] 'widow' vs ayuda [aua] 'help'). [33][34], In native Spanish words, the trilled /r/ does not appear after a glide. Use our phonetic spelling, syllable breakdowns, and native speaker videos to perfect your Spanish pronunciation. The fourth level introduces liquids other than. These symbols appear only in the narrowest variant of phonetic transcription; in broader variants, only the symbols i, u, e, o, a are used,[70] and that is the convention adopted in the rest of this article. Similarly, a number of coda assimilations occur: Final /d/ dropping (e.g. Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Please buy a subscription to get access to this tool! This phonetic translator will help you obtain very accurate phonetic transcription of your Spanish text. The same letters and combinations of letters are always pronounced the same way. For instance, a number of words alternate between /k/ and // or // and /x/, with the latter in each pair appearing before a front vowel:[92]. [9], Before front vowels /i, e/, the velar consonants /k, , x/ (including the lenited allophone of //) are realized as post-palatal [k, , x, ]. /el biento del note i el sol po sabe kien ea el mas fuete de los dos mientas se aseko un biaxeo kubieto en un kalido abio | entonses desidieon ke el mas fuete sei.a kien loase despoxa al biaxeo de su abio el biento del note empeso soplando tan fuete komo podi.a | peo ente mas fuete soplaba el biaxeo mas se aropaba | entonses el biento desistio | se eo el tuno del sol kien komenso a bia kon fuesa | esto iso ke el biaxeo sintiea kalo i po eo se kito su abio entonses el biento del note tubo ke rekonose ke el sol ea el mas fuete de los dos/, [el jento el note jel sol por sae kjen eael mas fwete e los os mjentas seasekowm bjaxeo kujetoen u kalioaio | entonses esijeo kel mas fwete sei.a kjen loase espoxa al jaxeo e swaio el jento el notempeso soplando ta fwete komo poi.a | peoente mas fwete soplaa el jaxeo mas searopaa | entonses el jento esistjo | se eoel tuno el sol kje komensoa iar ko fwesa | estojso kel jaxeo sintjea kalo i po eo se kito swaio entonses el jento el note tuo ke rekonose kel sol eael mas fwete e los os], For assistance with IPA transcriptions of Spanish for Wikipedia articles, see, Pages displaying wikidata descriptions as a fallback, IPA Brackets and transcription delimiters, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Phonological history of Spanish coronal fricatives, Martnez Celdrn, Fernndez Planas & Carrera Sabat (2003, Martnez Celdrn, Fernndez Planas & Carrera Sabat (2003), "A Perception Study of Rioplatense Spanish", Bowen, Stockwell & Silva-Fuenzalida (1956), "/tl/ en espaol mexicano. Both in casual and in formal speech, there is no phonemic contrast between voiced and voiceless consonants placed in syllable-final position. NOUN la madre [la mae] ('the mother') vs. las madres [l m] ('the mothers'). 1. a dance of South A, #wordoftheday See Spanish phonology for a more thorough discussion of the sounds of Spanish, and Spanish dialects and varieties for regional variation. If you need to copy the phonetic transcription into another program or print it, please read our FAQ. Spanish phonology This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). easy to use free tool for converting text from English to the International Phonetic Alphabet, allows you to play Text-to-Speech audio and suggest the right language based on detected language, English to IPA, Spanish to IPA, Portuguese to IPA, German to IPA, Italian to IPA, Polish to IPA, Esperanto to IPA [111], Typical phonological analyses of Spanish consider the consonants /b/, /d/, and // the underlying phonemes and their corresponding approximants [], [], and [] allophonic and derivable by phonological rules. So the clusters -bt- and -pt- in the words obtener and optimista are pronounced exactly the same way: Similarly, the spellings -dm- and -tm- are often merged in pronunciation, as well as -gd- and -cd-: Spanish has five phonemic vowels, /i/, /u/, /e/, /o/ and /a/ (the same ones that are found in Asturian-Leonese, Aragonese, and also Basque). Powered by Help Scout, ABC shows the word as it is actually spelled, broken out into syllables. the surname of Carlos Slim is pronounced /eslin/). You will no longer need to look up the pronunciation of words in a dictionary. Phonetic Transcription Translator and Pronunciation Dictionary, American English International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), American English phonetic spelling for native English speakers, Australian English International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), Australian English phonetic spelling for native English speakers, British English International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), British English phonetic spelling for native English speakers, International Phonetic Alphabet - full IPA chart, Insert phonetic transcription into subtitles, Merge Two Subtitles in Different Languages, Eye-Opener: peripheral vision training app. transcription n Thus the word olor 'smell' is related to olores, oloroso 'smells, smelly' and not to *olorres, *olorroso. For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help:IPA. The only exceptions are premium features (Read the text aloud and Translate the text into your native language). The book is in Spanish, and it's really one of the best you can find on the topic. We already created computer-generated audio for each sample text for you. For terms that are more relevant to regions that have not undergone yesmo (where words such as haya and halla are pronounced differently), words spelled with ll can be transcribed in IPA with . practice pronunciation of every word using the audio recordings of real people (if available) or high-quality text-to-speech voices. Lexical stress patterns are different between words carrying verbal and nominal inflection: in addition to the occurrence of verbal affixes with stress (something absent in nominal inflection), underlying stress also differs in that it falls on the last syllable of the inflectional stem in verbal words while those of nominal words may have ultimate or penultimate stress. The convention is thata,eandoare strong vowels whileianduare weak. [77] Similarly, the relatively rare diphthong /eu/ may be reduced to [u] in certain unstressed contexts, as in Eufemia, [ufemja]. [114] Research suggests that the alveolar trill is acquired and developed between the ages of three and six years. Pepsi being pronounced [peksi]). Now, you can learn to speak Chinese quickly and easily. NOUN C When taking loanwords from other languages the majority of Spanish speakers will adapt the pronunciation of these words, usually while keeping the original spelling. In Argentina, Uruguay, upland Ecuador and part of Mexico it is pronounced []. es/ todo /to. You won't get surprises like "pear" and "spear."
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