raising standards leader pixl
PiXL - Holborough Lakes - VIAT event.preventDefault(); To be a member of the Learning Team acting as a whole school raising standards leader ensuring all Pixl processes are embedded and drive the development of the role of the Key Stage Raising Standards Leaders 7. PiXL provides a reassuring touchstone, and never more has that been so important to school leaders. approaches and lead on delivery of PiXL, Oversee the overall academic 0000265899 00000 n Join Vimeo Every single meeting has been packed with fresh ideas and practical tips to help students thrive, both academically and also as a well-rounded individual. receive personalised support from the pastoral team. Our dedicated and hardworking team are looking for someone who can League. We know that the execution is as important as the vision, and we have leadership tools to help you do that. #birthdays https://t.co/ULW8bswP29, Happy birthday to Phoebe, Isla, Keiva and Alexander who all celebrate birthdays this week! Allinson Court, The children made traditional Mexican tacos, most of the children were incredibly adventurous and tried a whole host of new ingredients; whilst also sharpening up on their knife skills! PiXL - Raising Standards Leader on Vimeo j`ah7gn Raising Standards Leader (RSL) Mrs S O'Sullivan, Headteacher: The role of the Raising Standards Leader is to ensure the best possible outcomes and progress for all our children across KS1 and KS2. https://t.co/CGHleCoRQl, *SAVE THE DATE* PDF Moorland Primary School It has inspired them to question and challenge themselves, whilst holding their hand and supporting their next steps. 4 As the Raising Standards Leader (RSL), I frequently ask the Y6 staff team - "Tell me everything you need in order for these Key Marginal children to achieve. #birthday https://t.co/1A4HpUbsQm, Are you looking for a new challenge? 7z0gygr!^HBD%R`Hkd(Jy"/U$0jn(#=0rU,Mu cL#s;Gm](k>j6cThRr=:J)X)Z:!Hu(i7Y'|=kQ06l\@;ZY ofj^{E#>]S $$I-g_d-x(\Jtj;[k{f[jT{xjHsOr9\Flx7/e^'[@8vU0 PTW In your role as Raising Standards Leader (RSL) you will lead from the classroom and significantly impact and improve the life chances and outcomes of our pupils. endobj https://t.co/sEiNo6ztE7, Some of our Year 3 pupils participated in the KCC Small Steps pedestrian training this week. My respect for PiXL has grown and grown. We have developed seven core values for our Moorland community. PIXL-1 is a joint CubeSat mission of the Institute of Communications and Navigation at the German Aerospace Center (DLR-IKN) and TESAT to test laser communications for CubeSats. #triathlon https://t.co/cC8Mw4FX9B, Happy birthday to Nyah, Akwasi, James, Olivia and Tilly who all celebrated birthdays recently! Together with the class teachers and wider team you will ensure that every 0 Students in Ambition are making progress, but not putting in any effort. The PiXL team are always open to suggestions and strive to ensure hard-working and innovative staff have a support base. The PiXL leadership approach is aimed at helping the Raising Standards Leader improve life chances and outcomes. The RSL line manages a TLR holder who monitors Years 7-9 so that a whole school strategy can be effectively deployed. Saturday 8th July, 11am - 4pm #birthday https://t.co/KxFXyb5nKr, The children enjoyed taking part in a scooter and skateboarding session this morning run by team Rubicon. 0000002642 00000 n The, P8 scores are highly sensitive to changes in absence rates for disadvantaged pupils. The question on everyones lips is always: What do schools need?. Available wherever you enjoy your podcasts. The PiXL Club - Leadership Growth %%EOF #cake #birthdays https://t.co/SpsdAsEsQE, Our Year 5 & 6 children had a very enjoyable trip to Kent Life on Friday 17th March despite the rain! The Horsforth Quadrant and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. start so that every child leaves Moorland Primary school excited about their This podcast has also been hugely popular. application. The question on everyones lips is always: What do schools need?. PIXL-1 is a joint CubeSat mission of the Institute of Communications and Navigation at the German Aerospace Center (DLR-IKN) and TESAT to test laser communications for CubeSats. Copyright 2020 GovNet. This groups students by their effort and progress (see Figure One). For me, PiXL is a community of like-minded learners who have a moral imperative to raise standards and support children and schools to be better who wouldn't want to be in PiXL? 3 0 obj To be a member of the Learning Team acting as a whole school raising standards leader ensuring all Pixl processes are embedded and drive the development of the role of the Raising Standards Leaders 7. To oversee the work of the Progress Leader (KS3) and to ensure that standards are in place . GCSEPod has also supported students independent learning as it enables them to get a brief burst of teacher style direction and focus when away from school and the classroom. #physicaleducation #backtoschool https://t.co/1f0fMw8ToV, The children had a lovely time at the Christmas lunch today and enjoyed eating alongside their teachers. Each following session would tackle one of these areas, and our attendance gains. Personal Development 4. For me, PiXL is a community of like-minded learners who have a moral imperative to raise standards and support children and schools to be better who wouldn't want to be in PiXL? For more information about PiXL please speak to one of our operations team: The PiXL Club Ltd The response from our community has been wonderful with residents saying the children's poems brightened their day and they appreciated their efforts! The PiXL Club - PiXL Secondary Teachers. We strive to transform the PiXL provides a reassuring touchstone, and never more has that been so important to school leaders. 6 Charlotte Square, Newcastle upon Tyne 0000007346 00000 n Well done! PDF WELCOME OPEN EVENING - Amazon Web Services, Inc. hb```f`` @Q)x =aDytUMrq$yJ(Vp>M &%%0 X\\+ / $ h@1C($F#F;'$0*3;H:0-aXPau9002nD& @">|f;k8@l@ s;{ I trust my leaders with PiXL, PiXL leadership moves with the times and develops all tiers of leaders, ranging from my new middle leaders to my most experienced Heads of School. Constantly offering support in key areas where the need is greatest, PiXL continues to be the greatest source of support imaginable. PIXL therapies, specifically designed to address curriculum objectives, are used for their intended audiences. by empowering our school team to make the changes that will make the difference Ripon, HG4 1AL, 2023 The PiXL Club Company Registration number: 07321607. We support you throughout your membership through our associate model, our national conferences, RSL networking hubs and subject conferences, and by providing you with weekly communications and monthly RSL calendars. Further research led me to metacognition, which could be wielded differently to fit the needs of the Horsforth Quadrant Groups. The image became one of the most famous images ever taken (Pic: Yevgeny Khaldei/TASS) On 2 May 1945, one of the most famous images of World War II was taken on the ruins of the Reichstag in Berlin. We support you throughout your membership through our associate model, our national conferences, RSL networking hubs and subject conferences, and by providing you with weekly communications and monthly RSL calendars. The PiXL leadership approach is aimed at helpingthe Raising Standards Leader improve life chances and outcomes. Therefore, I wanted to create initiatives based around metacognition for students in the Ambition, Accelerate, and Aspire sections of the Horsforth Quadrant. They got their industrial policy right and are now the world leader in many areas exporting their global brands such as Samsung, LG, KIA, and Hyundai and culture such K-POP, even the president Show more . 0000006348 00000 n Raising Standards Leader We do this in four very practical ways leadership networking, development, events and strategies and resources and, through our associate model, personalise what PiXL has to offer for you based on your context. We think the grown ups enjoyed it to!! Well Done! I settled on the Task Value. 0000244998 00000 n % Year 6 - Mrs Clarke & Mr Harris Year 5 - Miss Stowell Year 4 - Mr Wishart Year 3 - Miss Murphy Year 2 - Mr Aston Year 1 - Miss Robertson Reception - Miss Wright . 228 0 obj <> endobj Harnessing the wisdom of heads who led before, during and after the pandemic, these sessions will include some content relevant to Pandemic Heads and also the support of a like-minded network. The NFER 2019 research states P8 scores are highly sensitive to changes in absence rates for disadvantaged pupils. Raising the Standard of Living. History of a Concept, ca. 1750-1900 Over time it has become increasingly clear that GCSEPod complements many of our implemented PiXL strategies. PiXLs work is truly remarkable and has been a saviour and sanctuary of common sense and really useful strategies at a time of madness! hbbd```b``:";A$,.`s0 fd Y"m6I;0N ?w*bPl o `I Pastoral Team Leader. We have high aspirations for our children and want to equip them with the This groups students by their effort and progress (see Figure One). Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; March 30, 2017 I knew we were a PiXL school when I joined, but to be honest we didn't fully embrace the philosophy. #birthdays https://t.co/1NhEE34LSE, Poetry Drop PiXL - Zone 8 My presentation: Download here: In doing this, the RSL supports staff in their understanding of PIXL and how to use it effectively. Standards Leader (RSL) you will lead from the classroom and significantly To find out more about our PiXL Secondary offer, please download the offer document below. Delegates heard inputs from a Raising Standards Leader, a successful headteacher and several national policy makers. Teachers use the QLA documents to identify specific gaps for individual children, small groups and the whole class. #scholastic #books #Reading https://t.co/JhkpEM2aPy, Family Trust attended our school today to perform a Christmas Panto. We will never lose sight of the needs of individual children and the duty to take action to safeguard them. Website Design by e4education we are determined to give our children every chance to realise their potential. Strategies for these students need to target their lack of effort to raise students engagement and motivation levels and address negative learning behaviours. We believe that a happy child is a successful one, so we are working hard to design a curriculum that is adventurous, challenging and enjoyable. Raising Standards Leader Job description Education Endowment Fund (2020), Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning, National Foundation for Educational Research (2019) Being Present: the Power of Attendance and Stability for Disadvantaged Pupils, Sobel, D., Narrowing the Attainment Gap: 8 Insights to help you improve your strategy. Concisely, PIXL-1 is a technology demonstrator for the optical demonstration payload in the framework of the OSIRIS program. TLR 1c - 10,341. Raising Standards Leader Programme: looking at the most effective leadership approaches and behaviours that lead to real impact as an RSL. We are currently looking for a TA (one to one support) to join our friendly team. However, the bi-weekly phone calls are hugely positive, and we work together to resolve barriers to learning: for example, we have made equipment packs available for PP students, as well as laptops. 1750-1900. In November, there was already a stark difference between our Year 10 Pupil Premium (PP) and non-PP cohort: the average attendance for PP students was 89.5%, but 93.98% for non-PP students. Five years on, now an 11-16 Academy Trust, they have just celebrated their first ever GCSE results with a significant percentage of students achieving grades 7-9. The School Improvement Priorities for 2022-23 has been determined as below: 1.1 Quality of education: intent & Implementation 1.2 Quality of education: Impact 2. I chose the Critical Thinking strategy of the MSLQ, development of which will benefit all of their subjects. @ 0000001560 00000 n role in: If you need these documents in an accessible format, please contact the school. PiXL is more than just a network of schools; it is a welcoming organisation, with highly experienced people, offering unparalleled professional support and CPD. q9ZIDvccGET\ZD@ = M, BT=yYd9x I can honestly say this has been one of the instrumental factors in our success story. Within this project, the DLR-IKN and TESAT develop and manufacture in cooperation highly compact optical communication payloads for small spacecrafts. Everything we do is around helping young people achieve a better future and brighter hope and to support you, as school leaders, to make this a reality. Within weeks the school was amongst the highest GCSEPod using schools in the country and last academic year students accessed an outstanding 32,000 Pods, of which over 11,000 were Maths (the highest Maths usage of any PiXL member). 0000001939 00000 n Supporting schools at Key Stage 3 and 4 PiXL started as an organisation working with secondary schools in London, but now our work stretches across the UK and overseas. Alongside these strategies, the school also subscribes to GCSEPod, a platform delivering award-winning subject knowledge in short, audio-visual podcasts ("Pods") across 20 subjects and in over 1,000 schools. The role of the Raising Standards Leader, Miss Daniels, is to ensure the best possible outcomes and progress for all our children across KS1 and KS2. have the best chance at becoming successful learners. 0000290743 00000 n Carry out all of the duties can succeed, then we can offer you friendly, enthusiastic and curious children A student-centred approach, with the intention of ensuring every student is either on the right We are excited to be holding a Scholastic Book Fair in school on Monday 5th December to Thursday 8th December. NE1 4XF. They receive points from Reward Points and positive comments from teachers. Our Community system is our pastoral framework, similar to the traditional House systems. The Pods are no nonsense and cover exactly what they say they do, as well as discriminating clearly between Higher and Foundation content. Further research led me to the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). https://t.co/6O2qiAZ9qd, Happy birthday to Gabriel, Hazel, Isreal, Mila, Javier, Ralph, Joshua, Max and Saiya who have all celebrated birthdays recently. 1 0 obj . New Middle Leader Programme:for colleagues who are new to middle leadership in September 2022 and those who have been in post for less than two years. Although pupil outcomes remain well below National, the Students meet me weekly via an online meet, and are taught independent study skills - which are currently crucial to success. Harrow High School - School Improvement Plan PiXL has been a huge support network for our academies during these challenging times and has guided us, assisted us and provided us with resources to support our leaders, teachers and pupils. The opportunity to work with such a strong, supportive, diverse team of highlyskilled professionals from across the country, as a PiXL family, has been a very valuable experience in developing the breadth and depth of my knowledge and skillset, both as a teacher and a leader. For example: a pupil in Year 4 who achieved GDS (greater depth) at the end of KS1 in maths and is currently an E1 on PIXL should possibly be identified as a key marginal as their progress is below expected. and local community. 269 0 obj <>stream High Visibility Version Of course the National Lockdown has impacted on these interventions. RT @Kevin_T_Ryan: South Korea has been a truly remarkable development story in raising living standards. Pixl Programme - DocsLib @VIPSHolborough today! The opportunity to work with such a strong, supportive, diverse team of highlyskilled professionals from across the country, as a PiXL family, has been a very valuable experience in developing the breadth and depth of my knowledge and skillset, both as a teacher and a leader. PiXL is completely driven by its values and moral purpose, acting solely in the interests of the young people in our schools by helping and supporting staff to choose the most appropriate, evidence-informed strategies and resources for their students. Of course, consideration should be given to children who require specialist support so all children can access their assessments, where possible. Every student progressing to the next stage of learning and developing the skills for life-long learning. Membership subscription fees cover the academic year from 1st September 2022to 31st August 2023. The ideas, resources and expertise, which has been so willingly shared by the whole PiXL team, has enabled our Sixth Form to continually change and radically improve. 0000000016 00000 n startxref https://t.co/zd1o4AAdjL. Children have a right to be cared for and protected, protecting them is everyones responsibility. You may also sign up to receive additional Exclusive Leadership Content directly to your inbox. Students in Aspire demonstrate high effort and make high progress and many are Gifted and Talented, who enjoy learning. Here at Moorland Primary School we have a duty of care to ensure that all users of the school are kept safe from harm. <<479329FE147C774CA13AFD9D976A4B23>]/Prev 359762>> highly motivated Year 6 teacher to lead from the classroom. https://t.co/eygr58ydU6, Happy Birthday to Ava, Charles, Alexis and Teddie ! Educational disadvantage is a deeply compounded issue; This year, we were keen to implement a proactive framework with fewer, high quality, interventions based around the Horsforth Quadrant. PiXL Secondary & Post-16 National Conference - Applicaa 0000006100 00000 n Raising Pupil Attainment: Creating a Framework to Enhance Year 10 Standards Lead both the team of tutors and cohort of students. Every single meeting has been packed with fresh ideas and practical tips to help students thrive, both academically and also as a well-rounded individual. Legra Trust (made up of three Academies, Belfairs, Cecil Jones and Darlinghurst) is seeking to appoint a Raising Standards Leader to be based at Cecil Jones Academy. Children from Year R wrapped up warm & enjoyed making snow angels and building a snow man. New Heads: A forum for new headteachers to meet and support each other through their first year. They were able to watch the children perform some songs and enjoyed some milk and mince pies. Privacy Policy Cookie Settings Well done! Students in Aspire demonstrate high effort and make high progress and many are Gifted and Talented, who enjoy learning. Ripon, HG4 1AL, 2023 The PiXL Club Company Registration number: 07321607. At PiXL, we believe in the importance of setting a Wildly Important Goal (WIG), doing a pre-mortem, addressing leadership behaviours, which will help you achieve the WIG, and personalised support for you to get there. In total, there are 15 different scales which I chose to use singly (see Figure Three): one for each group. However, in January 2017 . Well invite you to access our next event (digital or face-to-face) as a guest to gain better insight into what PiXL Secondary is like and how becominga member could benefit your secondary school. https://t.co/CMoLHNwZKz, Panda Class enjoyed making mince pies in preparation for their festive fun and songs with parents this afternoon. and help our school move further forward. 0000290267 00000 n Adeyfield Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5JS, Church Green, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2TP, School Lane, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7AZ, Chandos Road, Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, MK18 1AP, Get a job alert when similar jobs are listed, Find more school jobs in Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. When we met, we discussed reasons they didnt want to come to school (Figure Two, above). 0 Teachers are asked to input comments on a weekly basis by SLT. Pandemic Heads: A forum for headteacherswho started their headship in the pandemic and have not known normal school leadership, having led through crisis. 0000008085 00000 n It was developed to measure students mindsets around and strategies for learning. Secondary and Post 16 PiXLschools have access to Engagement Leadership, which is a course about the PiXL Principles in currency (improving outcomes) and character and culture (improving life chances). , the teams would gather weekly for the final reveal of points!). in a significantly deprived area where 56% of pupils receive pupil premium. Assistant Headteacher, Lutterworth High School. My respect for PiXL has grown and grown. Students in Accelerate demonstrate high effort, but are not making expected progress. 0000262034 00000 n Resources to support new curriculum thinking, Some resources in Welsh and a focus on Welsh writers and literature though PiXL reading, 5 specialist subject networking sessions bespoke to AP needs, Alternative Thinking sessions to explore leadership and teaching in AP, PiXL in Action series with contributions for Alternative Provision schools, Networking sessions to support PiXL implementation, Access to all meetings on demand through PiXL TV. The successful candidate will work alongside the headteacher, The children really enjoyed showing their loved ones around and involving them in play and activities. I've worked with PiXL for 8 years now and every meeting leaves me inspired to try new ideas, reassured about things my school is doing well and resolved to continually do better for the young people in my school. PiXL is completely driven by its values and moral purpose, acting solely in the interests of the young people in our schools by helping and supporting staff to choose the most appropriate, evidence-informed strategies and resources for their students. Tailor-made for all types of schools, Engage applicants & save time with the leading online admissions software, Intelligently and accurately process bursaries online, Effortlessly track and approve bursary request for Year 12s & 13s, Efficiently manage registrations for the 11+ Exam, Unify & modernise admissions across your schools, An online system to completely revolutionise your Options management. This is a new service - your feedback will help us to improve it. Weve found the quality of the digital subject content very high and all subject explanations are very clear and focused. In doing this, the RSL supports staff in their understanding of PIXL and how to use it effectively. 0000003297 00000 n I took time during the first term to build relationships with the students and research the most effective methods to raise attainment. Our first target was 200 Pods each which many achieved very quickly. Year 1 complete this process in the summer term. The PiXL leadership approach is aimed at helping the Raising Standards Leader improve life chances and outcomes. I created the initiatives to launch in January 2021: you will know the plot twist coming! History of a Concept, ca. PiXL is an incredibly agile organisation in which the exceptional team is able to provide whatever support schools need in the interests of their students. To register for the Middle Leader Programme go to www.pixl.org.uk LAURA LEADERSHIP OLLY ORGANISATION IZZY INITIATIVE RAJ RESILIENCE CHARLIE COMMUNICATION 4. Lutterworth subscribes to GCSEPod and within weeks of setup the school was amongst the highest GCSEPod using schools in the country. The boundary leaper analysis lets us suggest which Pods are appropriate and the Pods are short enough to cover lots of ground very quickly. Further research led me to the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). In PiXL Secondary for 22/23, we are focusing on the following leadership strategies: Our team is online from 8AM to 4PM for support and wed love to talk about how we can work together. You can see a snapshot of the program below and download a full copy of the PiXL programme. https://t.co/FhiysAlHhf, Happy birthday Ryan, David, Lilah, Liberty, Theo T, Freya and Theo A who all celebrated their birthdays recently! The EEF cites metacognition as one of the best strategies for improving student progress: it can be worth the equivalent of an additional +7 months progress when used well The potential impact of these approaches is very high, particularly for disadvantaged pupils. The self-assessment tool is given for each group below. Their approach of diagnosis, therapy, testing and revisiting enables us to easily identify childrens next steps on a one-to-one, small group and whole-class basis and then tailor our interventions and whole-class teaching to fill their gaps. #birthday #HappyBirthday https://t.co/yXejpNiOlS, Today 4 of our students took part in a times tables competition at one of our Sister schools. https://t.co/1ONIdRCiZW, Over Easter one of our pupils (Isabel) took part in her first Aquathlon for her local triathlon club Ocean Lake . The PiXL team listen to us, take on feedback, ask us what we need and adapt their research and provision in order to suit all of our schools different needs. stream #Kentlife https://t.co/ETTpIeIoWe, Happy Birthday to Theo T, Arjun, Lilly-Rose, Harry and Theo A who all celebrate birthdays this week! R/k>D[P/Qc-R*L. We believe that it is important to invest in and equip leaders and that is what we aim to do. You will be the Please email trusts@pixl.org.ukand we will get back to you with further information, bespoke to your setting. $('.cookie_information__icon').trigger('click'); . <> After each round of assessments, the RSL will provide data reports to each year group to assist in identifying those children. Privacy Policy Cookie Settings PiXL started as an organisation working with secondary schools in London, but now our work stretches across the UK and overseas. available and fully supported. To carry out careful analysis of performance data for all subjects in relation to Year 10 and to Mrs Dowle - Religious Education, Parish and Community Links Leader Mrs Clarke - Assessment Leader, PiXl Raising Standards Leader . The self-. PiXL started as an organisation working with secondary schools in London, but now our work stretches across the UK and overseas. Leadership is about creating buy-in from stakeholders, creating winning moments and a culture of celebration of what has been achieved, as well as getting the balance between high care and high challenge. The Horsforth Quadrant (HQ) was devised by Horsforth School, West Yorkshire, and developed further by PiXL (see GCSEPod for further details). This means: Excellent Learning & Progress -1!o7! ' Nevertheless, this belief in the possibility and desirability of a general economic amelioration is not self-evident at all. 0000009521 00000 n LX]3oxe^[ [uGB[,L CK,AaK_=H$%ZXk~W-JRXsHRq_7IaHxS7dY #familytrust #pantomime https://t.co/CbgyvYKazS, Alpaca class wrote some very persuasive letters to the head teacher, asking for marmalade sandwiches, just like @paddingtonbear eats! https://t.co/X0GcOAYYRl, On Friday, Year 6 did their food technology which had to be postponed from last term. . Thats 1,000 minutes or about 17 hours. trailer @redbreastedbird Yes please, this would be wonderful. Raising Standards Leader Teacher Responsibilities: Raise standards across the year group by removing barriers to learning. Student progress would be measured by the questionnaire, as well as their effort and progress. %PDF-1.4 % xref event.preventDefault(); #writing #paddingtonbear https://t.co/QR2dfnHOqS, Happy Birthday Addison, Jamie, Poppie, Finnley and Millie, who have all celebrated their birthdays recently. endstream endobj 22 0 obj <> endobj 23 0 obj <>stream The RSL attends pupil progress meetings to provide support and challenge, where necessary. Inside Government takes great pride in serving our public and voluntary sector communities through hubs that provide events, training courses, resources and insights. Students in Action receive personalised support from the pastoral team. hb```a`` Vb I chose the organisation strategy of the MSLQ. It has inspired them to question and challenge themselves, whilst holding their hand and supporting their next steps.