okta expression language tester
The following functions are supported in conditions. A sound firewall rule will use a regex pattern like the above but with a wide range of file types, while also accounting for possible bypasses such as case changes and the inclusion of non-ASCII characters. From the result, retrieve characters greater than position 0 through position 1, including position 1. You can use the ternary operator for performing IF, THEN, ELSE conditional logic inside the expression. Well reference variable names listed in Okta, to get an output. In the preview section, select an appropriate user and click, Copy the finished expression for use in the. From here, youll be able to see each attributes Display Name along with the Variable Name. null. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. "groupreviewer@example.com" : null, (user.isMemberOf({'group.profile.name': 'West Coast Users'}) && !user.isMemberOf({'group.id': '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'})) ? Using Expression Language to convert an email-based username from If you have another app to register users, you could add some logic there. The following table lists the device profile attributes: Obtains the value of the device screen lock type. Use any value stored on a users profile and group to restrict the scope of a campaign. For a complete list see Functions in the Okta Expression Language. You can combine and nest functions inside a single expression. For example, YARA is a tool that identifies malware by creating descriptions that look for certain characteristics. For this company they had an all government portion of the site and a non-government portion. Convert to lowercase and append. Obtain Firstname value. The profile editor will open previously created identity providers profile page. However, the simple set of operators above serves well for most security purposes. Biometrics are not set up. The binding for an Application is its name with _app appended. Set Up Single Sign-on with SAML 2.0 Identity Provider In API Access Management custom authorization servers, you can name a claim scope. Indicates if the mobile device app was repackaged by an unknown third party. Learning and mastering regex thus becomes one of the most powerful skills that you can possess as a security professional. If that employee was not in Workday, or did not have a website-one-gov.com domain in their email then find that user's manager's email and set it to have a website-three.com domain. However I can only add the claim on the token if the value exists on the users profile already. See Include app-specific information in a custom claim. Do you have existing users this needs to apply to? See the parameter examples section of Use group functions for static group allowlists. @esitzes Could you elaborate on how users are going to be registered? Note: For the following expression examples, assume that the User is a member of the following Groups: Group functions take in a list of search criteria as input. For an example of using group functions, and for more information on using group functions for dynamic and static allowlists, see Customize tokens returned from Okta. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Learn how to use the Okta Expression Language to remove spaces or special characters from a mapped attribute in Okta.For more information, visit this page . Obtain the email value again. If they do, the value is true, else it is false, Find the user's manager's name and join that manager's string name with this string @website-two.com which would be jane.doe@website-two.com, Finally we grab the else part of the parent ternary operator. Use this function to retrieve the User that is identified with the specified primary relationship. Okta Expression Language (EL) allows super admins and access certifications admins to reference, transform, and combine user attributes and group information. Your custom expression must evaluate to true to include the users or false to exclude them from the campaign. Convert to uppercase. See Group rule operations and Create group rules (opens new window). However I was hoping there was something built-in to Okta that would let me accomplish this without having to write my own code and manage a new datastore. user.findGroupAndGetOwners({'group.id': 'groupId'}, 'USER')[0]. When we use the user.department syntax, the output displayed is Null. The time zone ID supports both new and old style formats, listed previously. I drive a new-generation IT team, eliminating routine IT, business, and engineering operations company-wide to leave challenging and exciting work for people. Email templates use common and unique Expression Language (EL) variables. Note: You can also access the User ID for each user with the following expression: user.getInternalProperty("id"). Don't worry, my goal of this blog post is to break down the above Okta Expression so that even a 5 year old can understand it. From the result, retrieve characters greater than position 0 through position 6, including position 6. It uses regex patterns to detect specific text or binary patterns in files that might indicate that the file is malicious. This can only be used when Device Trust is enabled or if the DEVICE_CONDITION_IDX_ADVANCED feature is enabled. https://platform.cloud.coveo.com/rest/search, https://support.okta.com/help/s/global-search/%40uri, https://support.okta.com/help/services/apexrest/PublicSearchToken?site=help, Choose the name of the authorization server to display it, and choose. To include an app Profile label, use the following expression: app.profile.label. Be sure to consider integer-type range limitations when converting from a number to an integer with this function. These values are converted into arrays. user.profile.firstName + " " + (user.profile.middleInitial.length() == 0 ? "" BIOMETRIC Passcode and biometrics are set on the device. 2023 Okta, Inc. All Rights Reserved. + lastName. The expression isnt validated here. 18e3b568aeb17b4e75f3838d6b01ffe63c52d976950943a10968761b5bfe3f4d. (macOS, Windows). By default, the authorization server doesnt include them in the ID token when requested with an access token or authorization code. device.profile.osVersion.versionGreaterThan('14.2.1') == true, Dont use device.profile.osVersion.versionGreaterThan > 14.2.1' to compare versions directly. Select Directory > Profile Editor. In the example given "+", the plus sign, concatenates two objects together. Expression Language attributes for devices | Okta You can specify the dynamic IdP using expressions based on Login Context that holds the user's username as the identifier. To reference an Application User Profile attribute, specify the application variable and the attribute variable in the user profile of the application. Then use an inline hook to call to a web service that looks up the custom data based off of idp_id and attaches it to the JWT. Value type: Choose whether the values defined in the claim use a Group filter or an Expression written using the Okta Expression Language. Make sure to consider integer type range limitations when you convert to an integer with these functions. Note: You can't use the user.status expression with group rules. Here are a few resources to help you build your regex skills! This is internal data that we are trying to define for IDPs, so there is nothing to map to in the Profile Mappings section. To build solid regex skills, follow these amazing regex tutorials. You can think of regex as consisting of two different parts: constants and operators. You can edit the mapping, or create your own claims. and the attribute variable name. Click Next. Obtains the value of the device profiles disk encryption type. Testing computed attributes is most easily done using the Access Gateway sample header application. Add the mapping here using the Okta Expression Language, for example appuser.username. Expressions within attribute definitions let you construct wholly new values before they are added to headers or cookies.Okta supports a subset of Spring Expression Language (SpEL) functions. Tokens contain claims that are statements about the subject or another subject, for example name, role, or email address. Programming at it's core is just true and false or 0 and 1. Static Domain + Email Prefix with Separator. Append a "." Append a backslash "" character. And if a programmer can cut a corner and save some time, you can bet your bottom dollar, they will take that shortcut. Obtain and append the Lastname value. Otherwise, assign the Fallback reviewer. + lastName, Include the honorific prefix in front of the full name, or use the courtesy title instead if it exists. The passed-in time expressed in Windows timestamp format. Use it to add a group filter. Some attributes; such as, device.profile.imei, device.profile.meid, device.profile.serialNumber, device.profile.udid, are not available for all devices. Indicates whether the device runs as an emulator. They hate typing the same stuff over and over again. We would first want to ensure that the data is imported to Okta. You can do something like this, which will match with all IP addresses in the log file. Another idea is the other IdP is sets a static claim that you consume. And here's a great regex cheat sheet if you ever forget what a particular operator means. That is, the expression, Expressions can't contain an assignment operator, such as. See the ISO 3166-1 online lookup tool (opens new window). Configure the SAML Setting. Thanks for the info on default values for Okta Expression Language! Specifically, youll want to reference the variable name. After the first ? Select the value in the Field field, and using the delete key, delete its contents. (opens new window) and Available EDR signals by vendor (opens new window) for details about vendor and signal. Enter the General settings for your application, such application name, application logo, and application visibility. Select the application which requires the new dynamic attribute. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. You can specify certain rule conditions in authentication policies using expressions based on the Security Context of the app sign-on request. Regex can also be useful when you debug or test your applications. If the expression doesnt return a user or is invalid, then the system assigns the Fallback reviewer you defined while creating the campaign to review all items for that user. The Okta users have the @a1.test domain associated to their account. Customize tokens returned from Okta with a Groups claim We were told that every user in Workday had a manager assigned to them in Workday. Starting off with the Okta Expression Language Some templates listed may not appear in your org. Okta Expression Language (EL) allows super admins and access certifications admins to reference, transform, and combine user attributes and group information. These functions convert between ISO 3166-1 2-character country codes (Alpha 2), 3-character country codes (Alpha 3), numeric country codes, and full ISO country names. Copyright 2023 Okta. Obtain the Firstname and Lastname values and append each together. Single Sign-On for Okta - TeamViewer Support S-1-5-21-1016203815-1917570059-4244971090-500. In my case, Im trying to make internal-only fields, so there is nothing to map to in the external IDP. Obtains the value of the device profile's Trusted Platform Module (TPM) public key hash attribute. Expressions allow you to reference, transform, and combine attributes before you store them on a User Profile or before passing them to an application for authentication or provisioning. If you're not using Universal Directory, contact your support or professional services team. Okta Expressions - IF/Than/Else - Populating Mobile Number into Active Using Okta Expression Language to Remove Spaces or Special - YouTube You can call the other four functions on country code objects and return the output in the format specified by the function names. You can use the Okta Expression Language (EL) to add a custom expression to an authentication policy. Indicates wheter a debugger has been detected. Ensure that your expression evaluates to a boolean when defining users: Do the following tasks when you define reviewers: Ensure that your expression evaluates to either the user ID or the username of a single. Obtain Email value. Expression Language for other templates - help.okta.com Youll need to reference the Variable Name to get the output to show. If the employee had a government domain website-one-gov.com then search if that user had a Workday account. While creating or modifying an access certification campaign, you can use Okta Expression Language expressions to take the following actions: Use Okta Expression Language to limit the scope of a campaign to certain users based on their profile attributes and group membership. Note: If you're using the Okta Expression Language for the Global session policy and authentication policies of the Identity Engine, use the features and syntax of the Okta Expression Language in Okta Identity Engine. Convert the result to lowercase. Use either the group's ID or name to reference a group in your expression. : (user.profile.middleInitial.substring(0, 1) + ". ")) To include a granted scope array and convert it to a space-delimited string, use the following expression: String.replace(Arrays.toCsvString(access.scope),","," "). Restrict a campaign based on the user's profile attributes, such as department, state, or cost center. From the result, parse everything after the "@ character". Go to Directory -> Profile Editor and select User (default) Go to the mapping for the IDP, and set up a default value for the Custom Attribute you just defined for the user profile. https://platform.cloud.coveo.com/rest/search, https://support.okta.com/help/s/global-search/%40uri, https://support.okta.com/help/services/apexrest/PublicSearchToken?site=help, [Condition] ? (honorificPrefix + " ") : "") + firstName + " " + (String.len(middleInitial) == 0 ? "" From the result, parse everything before the "." Gets the manager's Okta user attribute values. Note: In the substring function, startIndex is inclusive and endIndex is exclusive. Note: When EL group functions (such as isMemberOfGroup or isMemberOfGroupName) are used for app assignments, app user profile attributes arent updated or reapplied when the users group membership changes. (Android, iOS), USER The encryption key is tied to the user or profile. 'groupreviewer@example.com' : user.profile.managerId, user.isMemberOf({'group.id': {'00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3', '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'}}) ? These functions convert between ISO 3166-1 2-character country codes (Alpha 2), 3-character country codes (Alpha 3), numeric country codes, and full ISO country names. ISO 8601 timestamp time converted to format using the same. Map Okta attributes to app attributes in the Profile Editor | Okta. I'll leave that up to you to decide. They like to follow a DRY principle - "Don't Repeat Yourself". Note: For the following expression examples, assume that the current date and time is 2015-07-31T17:18:37.979Z. A example of a dynamic attribute might be a value representing a end users full name, which must be constructed from other elements such as "First name", followed by a space, followed by "Last name" or something similar. You can then access the properties of that user. Okta tips and tricks with the groups | by George Kozlov - Medium character. If both are absent, don't use any title. Its helpful to think of reviewer logic into IF/THEN terms for each user when building your expressions. Okta offers a variety of functions to manipulate properties to generate a desired output. To obtain these templates, contact Okta Support. character. Be sure to check that your expression returns the results expected. We then write our if/else and say if age is greater than the number 16, we will assign the canDrive to a string value of yes else we will assign it to a string value of no. Okta Identity Engine is currently available to a selected audience. Check if the user has an Active Directory assignment, and if so, return their Active Directory manager UPN. Test Testing computed attributes is most easily done using the Access Gateway sample header application. Gets the manager's app user attribute values for the app user of any appinstance. Include users with Active status for campaigns. IOS, ANDROID, WINDOWS, MACOS, MOBILE_OTHER, DESKTOP_OTHER, or CHROMEOS. Assumptions Obtain Firstname value. You can use ChromeOS only with the device.profile.platform attribute. Before creating Okta Expression Language expressions, see Tips. If the claim isnt included, the client must use an access token to get the claims from the UserInfo endpoint. Obtains the value of the device profile's operating system. Directory > Profile Source > Okta Profile. Copyright 2023 Okta. Change Email Confirmation Account Lockout Custom expressions allow you to refine your conditions, by referencing one or more attributes. Application user profiles are used to store application specific information such as their application username or role. It seems almost impossible to wrap your head around this Okta Expression the first time you see it but let's break into into more digestible pieces. Name Include in token type: Select Access Token (OAuth 2.0) or ID Token (OpenID Connect). You can find the name of any specific app instance in the Profile Editor, where it appears in lighter text beneath the label of the app. You can combine and nest functions inside a single expression. For example, let's say you were trying to map a user's AD title attribute or department attribute to Office 365. To test an expression: Add a example header application by following the instructions for Add a sample header application. For example. Operations - used to concatenate or otherwise operate on variables. To either assert a static value or an okta attribute, you shouldnt need inline hooks. The primary use of these expressions is profile mappings and group rules. Open the previously created Smart card identity provider by clicking its name. A Quick Introduction to Regular Expressions for - Okta Security If you leave it blank, then this claim includes all users. If a user's email was john.doe@website-one-gov.com, and he was found in Workday and his manager was jane.doe@anything.com, Jane's email would be updated to jane.doe@website-two.com. The format for conditional expressions is: [Condition] ? @abole we are still figuring out our user registration/onboard flow. character. Whew! Obtain the value of the device profile's security identifier (SID) attribute. Meaning that if you try to reference firstname youll receive an error message along the lines of Invalid property firstname in expression. As seen in the The rest of the regex are operators: they have special meanings and add flexibility to the pattern matching. Also, how are you going to use it and are all users going to have the same value? In addition to an Okta User Profile, all Users have a separate Application User Profile for each of their applications. Group rules don't usually specify an ELSE component. To update the username format on a specific application, navigate to the application in question: Sign On > Application Username Format > Edit > Custom > Enter the appropriate expression. The strings are compared literally, resulting in 2.0.0 > '14.2.1. Example: getFilteredGroups({"00gml2xHE3RYRx7cM0g3"}, "group.name", 40) ). This regex will match with any request that contains the terms "json", "exe", "tar" and "rar". In case anyone else has this problem, here are the steps I followed for adding a custom field to a user profile at the IDP level: Add the Custom Attribute for the USER. Assign a reviewer for users who are a member of one group, but not a member of another group. To keep this default, select Userinfo/id_token request for Include in token type. I see that I can define a custom attribute for an IDP in the profile section, however I dont see where I can define a default value for this custom attribute. For ID tokens, in the second dropdown choose Always or Userinfo/id_token request. I got it to work with String.stringSwitch in Okta Expression Language. I was adding Custom Attributes for the IDP, which is why it wasnt showing up in the mapping for me. To reference a particular attribute, specify the appropriate binding and the attribute variable name. Our client wanted Okta to automatically change the employee's manager's email to have a domain of website-two.com or website-three.com depending on a certain logic. "groupreviewer@example.com" : user.profile.managerId. So the reason the ternary operator was created was to make developers type less. Obtains the value of the device profile's model attribute. Okta Expression Language is based on a subset of SpEL functionality (opens new window). Otherwise, assign the user's manager. Value: Specifies a list of matching values that can be exact values or a regex pattern (only supporting the [. Regex Syntax Overview A regular expression, or "regex", is a special string that describes a search pattern. Note: The isMemberOfGroupName, isMemberOfGroup, isMemberOfAnyGroup, isMemberOfGroupNameStartsWith, isMemberOfGroupNameContains, isMemberOfGroupNameRegex group functions are designed to retrieve only an Okta user's group memberships. attribute called yearJoined: Okta supports the use of the following time zone codes: You can reach us directly at developers@okta.com or ask us on the This is only available with certain managed scenarios. You can use this language throughout the Okta Admin Console and API for the Okta Classic Engine and Okta Identity Engine. Below is the same code fragment above converted into a ternary operator. Since JavaScript is fairly ubiquitous in the world of coding we'll use that to explain an if/else statement written programmatically. Enter the expression which represents the value of the dynamic attribute value.