french huguenot surnames in america
You can see a list of Huguenot surnames at and another list of those who migrated to the UK and Ireland at LibraryIreland. The Dutch Reformed Church, a Calvinist denomination, was predominant at first. Associated with these conductors of the colony, were a number of refugees, whom we shall only mention here, reserving a fuller account of them for another place. 57 Volumes. About 50,000 came to Britain; others went to Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. He married EXPERIENCE ALLIS 1736. They grew to become a significant minority in many areas of France by the time of their second synod in Poitiers in 1561. The period of 1562 to 1598 is known as the Wars of Religion in reference to a series of eight civil wars in which the kingdom of France was divided on religious lines as warring noble families fought for control of the crown. Strictly speaking the term Huguenots refers to French Calvinists, in English the term embraces Walloons and Dutch refugees from the Low Countries. Discovering that you have Huguenot ancestors in your family can add an exciting element to your family tree. 0000006249 00000 n 0000053613 00000 n Fiches op de Waalse register, 1500-1828 (Card index of Huguenots, 1500-1828). 0000005480 00000 n In the second half of the 16th century, the majority of Huguenots who came to England were from this region. The French blood in America. Huguenots came in 1700. They show dates and places of births, marriages, deaths, and migrations. In 1688 the Huguenots established New Rochelle in Westchester County. FASTER Systems provides Court Accounting, Estate Tax and Gift Tax Software and Preparation Services to help todays trust and estate professional meet their compliance requirements. Martin Family History Martins in Ireland, Virginia and the Caribbean. volume 1 Internet Archive volume 2 Internet Achive. Huguenots were not the only French people to migrate to the UK so a French surname does not automatically suggest Huguenot descent. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Martin Surname Meaning, History & Origin Ayrault was accompanied by his wife Francoise, his son Daniel, and his nephew Nicholas. One such settle-ment was Manakin Town in Virginia, created in 1700 on the James River He was regarded by the Gallicians as a noble man who respected people's dignity and lives. Janet Gray and other supporters of the hypothesis suggest that the name huguenote would be roughly equivalent to 'little Hugos', or 'those who want Hugo'. It is estimated that some 40,00050,000 Huguenots settled in England, mostly in London. NOAH3 FERRY (CHARLES2, CHARLES1) was born 04 Nov 1712, and died 04 Nov 1798 in Granby, Massachusetts. The most vital are the Returns of Aliens, made in the early 17th century; the naturalisation and denization records from 1500 to 1800; and all the extant registers of French churches in this country. Protestant ministers were forcibly exiled, while ordinary Huguenots had to become Catholic. Often Huguenot families would settle in one country, then move to another. If one or more of the details do not line up, be careful about accepting the entry as your ancestor. Existing members whose membership is based on any ancestral names or lines that were dropped are not adversely affected, and they remain members in good standing of The National Huguenot Society subject to timely payment of dues. More are being added all the time. 1) Know the township, city or parish name to which your Huguenot ancestor came or settled in, in England, Wales, or Ireland. Archives nationales. By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. There are guiding principles for deciding how to resolve discrepancies between records that are seemingly close. WebThe Huguenot Society of South Carolina was established in 1885 to preserve the memory of the Huguenots who left France prior to the promulgation of the Edict of Toleration, November 28, 1787. WebFrench Huguenots was that of the Oley Valley in Berks Countyeast of Reading. endstream endobj 328 0 obj <>/Outlines 34 0 R/Metadata 53 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 52 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/OCProperties<>/OCGs[329 0 R]>>/StructTreeRoot 55 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20090124185749)/PageLabels 50 0 R>> endobj 329 0 obj <. Huguenots The Huguenot Society of South Carolina was formed in 1885 "to preserve the memory of the Huguenots who left France prior to the promulgation of the Edict of Toleration, November 28, 1787. 0000010269 00000 n It serves as an international link of Huguenot societies, Huguenot museums and memorials, and includes websites containing the family history and genealogy of Huguenot surnames. 0000007861 00000 n For more instruction in evaluating evidence, read the Wiki article, Evaluate the Evidence. 0000124103 00000 n xbbg`b``3 * ~ In 1802 the Reformed Church was finally granted tolerance. WebMost settled in County Limerick and County Wexford with the assistance of English landlords who, like the refugees, were Protestants. Huguenot and Walloon Genealogical Resources Cyndi's List: Huguenot No list of links is better on any genealogical terms Huguenot Fiduciary Accounting Software and Services. Includes many parish register transcripts from cities chiefly in Great Britain and Ireland. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1950. Huguenot Names - Special Report on Surnames in Ireland It is important to recall that not all French protestants were Huguenots: the Lutheran church, la Confession d'Augsbourg was tolerated in Alsace and their church registers date back to 1525. About The Huguenot Ancestral Name Listings Barlow seems to be the English spelling of her last name. It is instead a subset of the population of French Huguenots which are ancestors of our past and present members. She died 04 Nov 1794. They stuck together and many remained nonconformist. Kathy Chater is a historian and the author of Tracing Your Huguenot Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians. Huguenot Families Naturalised in Great Britain and Ireland, Tracing Your Huguenot Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians. Four years later, Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes. xdQMHQ*mmQPP&aTFId WExtNuI "OKH-"P7|7of c<4UCk=}7j#'(rP$bOLA/62ASM;=`A>+P4'mK6)-qUQ$@z%vO!otJXS OLDy$hn+lEVEvsL.H BqrONIOr7 &L^zd>@DG$="P)Z61wCZWdUVBO% 3 Today, the Society has nearly 2,000 members who are descendants of those Huguenots. Pages 181-87 describe Protestant records, their content, and history. * Family links: ** Spouse: Ga Surname has also been reported to be:* Duenil * Dunnell * Dwinel * Dwinell * Dwinnell Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) A trickle of Huguenot settlers would become a wave as repression increased in France. [3] They and many of their descendants lived in Henrico, Goochland, Cumberland, and Powhatan counties. (LogOut/ 0000002442 00000 n French Huguenot Church, 1686-1748/1764: There are no extant records., The Judicial Archives During the British Regime and Lower Canada -1780-, Province of Quebec During the British Regime 1763-1791, Montreal, Quebec City, Trois-Rivires in the Early Days of British Canada, GenWebCanada updates Quebec cemetery listings, RootsTech announces free online conference presentation schedule, Am I My Fathers Son, or Genealogy Revisited, Amarilda Desbiens, Scottish adoptee in Baie-St-Paul? Although no agreement could be reached on dogma, it paved the way for the Edict of Saint-Germain in January 1562 which granted state recognition of the cult for the first time and extended a degree of tolerance to French Protestants. Paul Revere was descended from Huguenot refugees Jack Jouett, who made the ride from Cuckoo Tavern to warn Thomas Jefferson and others that Tarleton and his men were on their way to arrest him for crimes against the king; Francis Marion, and a number of other leaders of the American Revolution and later statesmen. Only about 500 people in Ireland today still trace Palatine origins, revealed in their surnames. 327 0 obj <> endobj Huguenots - Wikipedia The Huguenots Englands First Refugees. Even the current president of the United States Joe Biden has Huguenot ancestry on his mother's side. Martin in America may also have been Huguenot or Mennonite. Secondly, Huguenot settlements in the UK were all in the south of England, Scotland and Ireland, while some went to the French-speaking Channel Islands. Huguenots of Colonial New England - Geni Martin Surname Resources on The Internet Common Heroes Martins in Sussex. 0000005091 00000 n WebThe Huguenots ( / hjunts / HEW-g-nots, also UK: /- noz / -nohz, French: [y ()no]) were a religious group of French Protestants who held to the Reformed, or Calvinist, French In 1687, a second church was built along the Cooper River. Their 'stories' have been passed down, and should be verified. Local Huguenot churches were called temples whereas Catholic churches were called glises. The library is open to non-members for a research fee of $10. The Huguenots adapted quickly and often began to marry outside their immediate French communities fairly rapidly, which led to their assimilation. They have a research library containing over 4,500 books, journals, and files covering the history of French Protestants and on SouthCarolina history and families. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. These unindexed papers contain the history of these two groups of people. You can see surnames L-Z here. However, not all French people in Britain were of Huguenot origin. The Huguenot Society also published the journal Huguenot Families (1999-2009). Publications in the Quarto Series are available in a number of libraries including the Huguenot Library. Women, too, could be locked up and their children taken away to be brought up in convents. The names are alphabetical phonetically, then chronological in order by the event date. Thus, the ancestral listing on our site is not and never will be a complete and exhaustive list of all French Huguenots. In France the term Huguenots was used to denote French Calvinist Protestants.[1]. Who were the Huguenots Huguenots were French Protestants who held to the Reformed, or Calvinist, tradition of Protestantism. It has been compiled by the Huguenot Society of Australia and is available to buy on CD-Rom. Bibliothque Wallonne (Leiden). As well as images and information, this website includes links to all of the Huguenot museums in France. The Huguenot 0000010034 00000 n 0000059382 00000 n Can you help me? WebThe National Huguenot Society is one of our most esteemed lineage organizations. IS A FRENCH NAME are FRENCH HUGUENOTS came to JAMESTOWN in 4-ships early part of the 1700s and settled at JAMESTOWN, then given tract of land called MEDICAN TOWN (sp.? (Card index of Huguenots of La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, France, 1602-1685). The Huguenot Heritage Webring promotes the history and heritage of the French Huguenots, and encourages the study of the family history and genealogy of all those with Huguenot ancestors. In the autumn of the year 1686, a body of French Protestants, comprising forty or fifty families, arrived in New England, and established themselves in the territory now covered by the State of Rhode Island. Huguenot Family Lineage Searches Since 1938 they have been subsumed in the Protestant Church of France. Huguenots settled on Staten Island and in New Harlem, Bushwick, and Flushing in 1657 and 1658. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. 0000005727 00000 n 0000058804 00000 n Online databases are incomplete. Her parents were Thomas Billiou and Ann Aime. WebThe names displayed are those for which The National Huguenot Society has received and has on file in its archives documented evidence proving, according to normally accepted Kathy Chater explains how to trace Huguenot ancestors - Protestant refugees fleeing religious persecution in France - in your family history. The Huguenots United States with Counties, Areas, Communities Project, History of the Huguenot emigration to America, A fascinating illustrated account of the life and travels of Gabriel Bernon, Pierre Le Moine (descendants - Money, Mawney). The church was attended by many Huguenot families and has useful historic records. 0000012543 00000 n It was frequently used in reference to those of the Reformed Church of France from the time of the Protestant Reformation. New Paltz, Ulster County, was founded in 1677 by Huguenots. Webdwarfed the tiny Huguenot settlements within the present boundaries of Lancaster County.' One Dubois family in London changed its name to Wood during the Napoleonic Wars, LeBlanc might be changed to White or Boulanger to Baker. xref WebBetween 5,000 and 7,000 Huguenots and Walloons (French-speaking Protestants from Wallonia, in the South part of Belgium) came to America between 1618 and 1725. Change). WebThey settled in port cities, Charleston, New York, and Boston, or founded rural communities (New Paltz and New Rochelle, New York, Orange Quarter and French Santee, South It included, in whole or part, the territory ofthe present townships of Amity, Exeter, Earl, Oley, Pike, District,and Rockland. France. First, there were particular periods when the number of immigrants from France swelled in response to religious persecution. WebJoaquin Phoenix (1974-), American actor, distant French Huguenot ancestry on his father's side. Everyone was required to adopt a surname and those who did not comply were fined. 0000001740 00000 n The list of Huguenots below have been represented in The Huguenot Society of Maryland at various times since its founding in 1968. <<3564DCBA667A0D4ABB7C6D079BFC8D04>]>> Fosdick, Lucian J. 0000003283 00000 n Does your relative's arrival in Britain coincide with one of these? Try 6 issues for just 9.99 when you subscribe to Who Do You Think You Are? Men who refused could be sent to the galleys as slaves, imprisoned or executed. French Canadian Pioneers The Martins of Quebec. A group of French origin, mostly descendants of Huguenots, came to the area beginning in 1680. Internet Archive; Lart, Charles E. Huguenot pedigrees. The settlement was a promising one. [1], The Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Muse virtuel du protestantisme (English version), Rootsweb Religions/Churches Mailing Lists, The museum has artefacts and displays about the Huguenots' history. Huguenots I believe she was buried in Thornton Union Cemetery but they said their records were burnt.I got information saying my Great Great Grandfather is buried there but I know for a fact that Christopher Nixon is buried at the Sixth Line Cemetery beside his Grandaughter Georgia Agnes Barclay.I am thinking they made some kind of mistake regarding Sarah (Annet) Nixon. Huguenot They are also the easiest to research because they needed help, especially at the end of their working lives, which generated records (check out the holdings of the Huguenot Library). Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1950. This period formally ended with the Edict of Nantes in 1598 which restored tolerance to the Huguenots and emigration pressure lessened though persecutions continued. The term has its origin in early-16th-century France. reported to be:* 1640 in Scotland* 1640 in England* 1640 at T . Huguenots are French Calvinists. 0000039974 00000 n This page has been viewed 11,395 times (0 via redirect). Ancestors The Huguenot Society of America A French surname can also be a clue that you have Huguenot blood in the family. Text in French. There are published indexes, and members of the society can access all of the Proceedings on its website. Huguenot immigrants continued to arrive although colonial subsidies stopped in 1706. The immigrant was Jean Papineau, a Huguenot from Niort, near La Rochelle, who came to New Oxford, Massachusetts around 1686, where he was junior partner (with Ren Grignon and Gabriel Bernon) in a cham From: Find A Grave Memorial# 13547923; Born: 1654, France* Death: June, 1710 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island* Esther LeRoy Bernon was the wife of Gabriel Bernon. Below is a partial list of Huguenot Ancestors who relate to current Members of the Society. Dutch Research Introduction - International Institute 0000002960 00000 n Its members, of course, are the descendants of the French Protestants who fled their homeland during the religious wars of the 17th century and, especially, following the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV in 1685. London, England: HSL, 1969-1985. Into this region from the Huguenot Today, the Society has nearly 2,000 members who are descendants of those Huguenots.". Dutch Research Introduction - International Institute 0000003116 00000 n Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. If such proof and documentation has not been verified by and placed on file with The National Huguenot Society, then the Huguenot name will not be listed on our site. This weeks compilation, France Huguenot Family Lineage Searches , is designed to help you find your Protestant ancestors in 16 th to 18 th century France. Rhode Island with Counties, Towns and Communities Project . 0000005971 00000 n A few French Huguenot surnames that remain common today include the surnames Du Plessis, De Villiers, Joubert, Le Roux, Naude and Rousseau. In addition, Huguenots were admired by the Victorians, so many people started to claim Huguenot ancestry. By 1565, Spanish military efforts had wiped out the colony martyring many Huguenot settlers. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Catherine de' Medici summoned the French Catholic bishops and the Protestant ministers in 1561 to the Colloquy of Poissy (Disputatio Pussicena). Examples of Huguenot surnames are: Agombar, Beauchamp, Bosanquet, Boucher/Bouchar, Bruneau, Chapeau, Deschamps, Dupont, Du Preez/Pree, Lamerie, Lepage, Martin, Rondeaux, Vernier and Vincent. Nevertheless the listing can be useful in genealogical research and for the purpose of establishing eligibility for membership in The National Huguenot Society. The channel islands saw a big influx of refugees making the short crossing over from France. From South Carolina French Huguenots led by Laudonnire settled in Florida in 1564. Humphrey Bogart, Marlon Brando, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Johnny Depp, Derek Jacobi and Laurence Olivier are just some of the actors who have Huguenot ancestry. Mounted soldiers were forcibly billeted on Protestant families - often wrecking their homes and making life intolerable - to make them convert or leave France. Records for Huguenots can be found in the records of these churches. Fiches op de registers, collectie Montauban, 1647- 1682 (Card index of Huguenots of Montauban, Tarn-et-Garonne, France, 1647-1682). If the name you are interested in is not here, the people are not Huguenots. Carry's associate in the leadership of the band of refugees, was Pierre Berthon de Marigny,Peter Berton, as the English called him,the representative of a prominent family of Chatellerault, in Poitou. %PDF-1.6 % Cyndi's List has a landing page for Huguenot links. Books about Huguenot Families [edit | edit source] General [edit | edit source] Baird, Charles W. History of the Huguenot emigration to America. Persecution began to build again and in 1685 the Edict of Fontainebleau revoked the Edict of Nantes and ordered the closure of Huguenot temples and schools: the Reformed Church was made illegal in France and her colonies. From South Carolina, French Huguenots led by Ren Goulaine de Laudonnire settled in Florida in 1564. Huguenots Index of Names | Genealogy Ensemble WebSo far as we have yet ascertained, the following are the names of the refugee families which were Naturalized in Great Britain and Ireland: Abauzit Abelain Abraham Acque Adam Adrien Agace Ageron Aissailly Alart Alavoine Albers Albert Albin Alden Aleber Alexandre Allaire Allais Allard Allat Allen Allix Allotte Alvant Amail Amelot Amiand Amiot What Are Some Common French Huguenot Surnames? 0000002925 00000 n For example, E.I. That review resulted after a lot of thought and consultation in many names being dropped from our listings due to lack of good documentation. 0000006738 00000 n 0000107191 00000 n In 1562, a French Huguenot colony was established in the present site of Astor on the St Johns River. It published R. E. G. Kirk, Returns of Aliens in London, 15231603 (1900-1908) in 10 volumes and 4 parts. A colony was established at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652 for the Dutch East India Company: the wife of the first Dutch Governor was a Huguenot. French Huguenots and Walloons Paris, France: Archives Nationales, 1987. Brigham Young University Department of Independent Study offers a free online self-paced course, Huguenot Research. Unusual Last Names Some Huguenots from New York migrated to Pennsylvania and settled in Berks and Lancaster counties. This page was last edited on 8 December 2022, at 21:13. French Protestants (also known as Huguenots) came under increasingly severe persecution by the monarchy during the last half of the seventeenth century, An interesting website is the Database of Surnames in the Netherlands, made available by the Meertens Institute. National Huguenot Society Bible Records Huguenot 0000058859 00000 n 0000007898 00000 n You may download for a list of the Registered Lineages. American Members of the society include descendants of Huguenot families immigrating to America before November 1787 and anyone who has made the Huguenots a subject of research papers, etc. Luckily there are a lot of records now online to help you discover your Huguenot ancestry. Between 1677 and the early 1700s, Dutch-speaking French Huguenots from Harlem and Staten Island, New York, settled at Schraalenburgh (now Bergenfield) in the Hackensack Valley of Bergen County.