bentonite clay causes cancer
According to the Best Bentonite website, customers mix the product with water and ingest it or apply it to their skin. Generally, it seems that bentonite can be considered as a treatment in different types of toxicities although in some sorts of toxicities such as locoweed toxicosis in rats, it is not effective in alleviating the symptoms (27). Studies have not found serious side effects of using bentonite clay in recommended amounts. Aside healing your skin from infections and acne, it can also help treat stomach gas and ease diarrhea. This keeps the charge of BC from reacting with the metal of the bowl/spoon, which will change its effects. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help I obviously need the chemo drugs to work, but I struggle with Nausea etc etc during the days after chemo and the drugs the doctors have given me give me even more terrible side effects. First off, you shouldnt eat bentonite clay as doctors dont recommend it. Zeolite binds both urea and ammonia, potentially offering protection . If a person wants to use bentonite clay, they should look for a product labeled as safe for internal use from a reputable brand or source. The cleaning process removes many of the healing properties of the clay. Thanks to the clays special ability to act as an antibiotic treatment when applied topically, BC can also help to calm skin infections, like diaper rash and contact dermatitis. Zeolite has similar properties . When a person uses it on the skin, bentonite clay may have the power to adsorb oils and bacteria. Copper toxicity, also called copperiedus, refers to the consequences of an excess of copper in the body. Scientists use genetic rewiring to increase lifespan of cells, Beyond amyloid and tau: New targets in developing dementia treatments, Napping longer than 30 minutes linked to higher risk of obesity and high blood pressure, Activity 'snacks' could lower blood sugar, complication risk in type 1 diabetes. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) Flammability Hazards: Non-flammable. Combine about cup bentonite clay with 6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon. Bentonite reduces the bioavailability of aflatoxin (16) and decreases the amount of Aflatoxin M1, which is a hydroxylated metabolite of aflatoxin B1 in Ghanaian population (17). Half this dose didn't cause any adverse effects in children. After testing your skins reaction, you can use BC on your skin (or hair) several times per week for best results. According to some research, bentonite clay may be helpful in removing some lead from the body. Repeat two or three times per week. Montmorillonite clay, named after Montmorillon in France, is the same type of clay. Vaseline And Olive Oil For Bigger Buttocks. In a small-scale animal study, rats consumed wastewater that contained cyanide. Bentonite clay causes cancer. A look at steam rooms, which are a popular way for people to enjoy a range of health benefits. When surrounded by water, it produces a negative charge that acts like a magnet, according to Medlicker. CoolClot, a novel hemostatic agent for controlling life-threatening arterial bleeding. A suspected case of bentonite poisoning was reported in a cat which was known to ingest bentonite-containing cat litter. Some types of clay are used to make medicine. Movahedi MM, Alipour A, Mortazavi SA, Tayebi M. (2014). Bentonite is actually the trade name that the clay has been given, but people for the most part speak about Montmorillonite and Bentonite clay interchangeably and are referring to the same product. (2009). Leave the mask in for 20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with a small amount of shampoo plus water. Generally it sounds that like any other drug, big doses of bentonite can have some side effects and thereby it is necessary to use a therapeutic dose of this mineral in diseases. Owing to its high cation exchange, large surface area and ability to form thixotropic gels with water and to absorb large quantities of gas, it presents a large medicinal application. When bentonite (3 g, t.d. Because bentonite clay can stick to toxins, it may be helpful for regulating a persons digestive tract. (1993). penetration or rupturing of the cell) and/or chemical interaction of the clay with bacteria (i.e. Figueiredo Gomes, C. d. S. (2018). Zeolite | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Bentonite clay is generally OK to use on your skin and hair. Try gargling the clay in your mouth with some water for 30 seconds to 1 minute, similarly to using mouthwash. Evaluation of clay/poly (L-lactide) microcomposites as anticancer drug, 6-mercaptopurine reservoir through in vitro cytotoxicity, oxidative stress markers and in vivo pharmacokinetics, Studying the genotoxic effects induced by two kinds of bentonite particles on human B lymphoblast cells in vitro. Bentonite clay is a natural clay with a fine, soft texture. I would suggest you ask your question of your oncologist, to insure there are no issues with this and to determine when you can take it. It seems that bentonite clay surfaces controls the levels of metabolic growth components (58). These substances are both adsorbed (sticking to the outside like Velcro) and absorbed (drawn inside) by the clay molecules. Besides the above mentioned beneficial effect of bentonite, some unwanted effects are also reported. Chronic toxicological evaluation of dietary NovaSil clay in Sprague-Dawley rats. Mix one-fourth cup or less of the clay into their water until it dissolves; they should not taste anything or even notice that its there, but should feel better pretty quickly. Home Lifestyle How Harmful Is Bentonite Clay? Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make this special grade of clay good for protecting your skin. Symptomatic efficacy of beidellitic montmorillonite in irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized, controlled trial. It is reported that oral bentonite slightly decreases incorporation of calcium in the bones of goats (52). (2014). But because calcium bentonite is a non-swelling bentonite, it doesnt serve the same purposes for industrial uses. Bentonite clay comes from volcanic ash. Research has also shown that, in animals, bentonite clay can bind to particular toxins like aflatoxins that are common in the standard diet, found usually on improperly stored food products. Young SL, Sherman PW, Lucks JB, Pelto GH. The composition of bentonite clay varies from region to . The content on this site is for informational purposes only. If you plan on consuming bentonite clay by mouth (ingesting it either by eating or drinking the clay), try this: Drink 1/2 to 1 teaspoon once per day as many days of the week as youd like. Many people are allergic to urushiol, the oil that poison ivy plants produce. High cholesterol is a leading cause of heart disease. It is from the struggle of the birthing process that clay comes forth as a highlycharged ash form from the extreme heat and force of the volcano from which it comes.All clay is volcanic ash - formed from volcanic activity millions of years ago. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Why on earth? Bentonite clay, also known as sodium bentonite, is a type of clay that is commonly used in industrial and medicinal settings. Why Bentonite Clay can be BAD for Skin, Hair - DurableHealth Urea is the primary metabolite derived from dietary protein and tissue protein turnover. Can diet help improve depression symptoms? Bentonite clay is a powerful detoxifier as it absorbs free radicals and toxins. Bentonite clays adsorbent power may be helpful in treating acne breakouts and oily skin. BC is great for oily complexions, but if you have very dry, sensitive, or aged skin, you may want to use a more mild clay. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have not approved bentonite cream as a sunscreen ingredient. 3+ Bentonite Clay Benefits (incl. Detox & Clay Mask for Hair) (2013). Shake again before use.Quality ClayThe best healing clay is that which has not been processed (heated or bleached). Paraquat is an herbicide, which is highly toxic to mammals, including human. Characteristics of Calcium Bentonite ClayClay cannot be reproduced in a lab. Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle and its serum content is an important indicator of renal health as it is excreted by kidneys. Bentonite clay is used to treat acne, wounds, ulcers, skin allergies, bloating, and diarrhea. Thanks! Bentonite clay is present in many skin products, but some people also add it to foods or drinks with the aim of relieving digestive issues or removing toxins from the body. Sodium bentonite, called the "clay of a thousand uses" because of its versatility. Related: What Is Kaolin Clay? For scrapes or bug bites, apply a concentrated amount of the clay directly to the trouble area and coverwith a bandage or gauze, then let it sit for about two hours, thenrinse it off. In pigs, the feeding supplementation of montmorillonite for 100 days, reduced lead concentration in blood, brain, liver, bone, kidney and hair (23). (2008). For a long time bentonite has been used externally on skin. Wiles M, Huebner H, Afriyie-Gyawu E, et al. But the FDA doesnt regulate health and cosmetic products, so theres no way to know exactly whats in them or if theyll work. This property is referred to its poly-cationic nature, which leads to absorption of negative charge toxins (7). Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) Green synthesis of silver/montmorillonite/chitosan bionanocomposites using the UV irradiation method and evaluation of antibacterial activity. By removing toxins, digestive-distress causing chemicals and heavy metals from the gut, bentonite clay helps to promote digestion. No report or study shows bentonite clay causes cancer in dogs. The Surprising Risks of Using Bentonite Clay - Dr. Linda Khoshaba Benefits of calcium bentonite clay Our everyday lives expose us to pesticides, lead, and trace metals like copper on a regular basis. Ethical issues (Including plagiarism, informed consent, misconduct, data fabrication and/or falsification, double publication and/or submission, redundancy, etc.) (1995). To date, no controlled, human studies exist to reflect this benefit. Mortazavi SM, Atefi A, Roshan-Shomal P, et al. How Harmful Is Bentonite Clay? Can It Cause Cancer? (2000). While bentonite clay has been used for centuries around the world to promote better health and ward off diseases, those living in the U.S. and Europe have,for the most part, only recently become familiar with this product. Tooth Powder. Irritant and allergic hand dermatitis is considered as a difficult problem to be controlled in individuals who are unable to avoid causative exposures. Some people use bentonite clay to cleanse specific parts of their body. An official website of the United States government. Scientists need to conduct more research before they can confirm that bentonite clay is safe and effective for use in humans. (2012). Ivan M, Dayrell MD, Mahadevan S, Hidiroglou M. (1992). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); How Harmful Is Bentonite Clay? NovaSil clay does not affect the concentrations of vitamins A and E and nutrient minerals in serum samples from Ghanaians at high risk for aflatoxicosis, Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess, Short-term safety evaluation of processed calcium montmorillonite clay (NovaSil) in humans. Marks JG, Jr, Fowler JF, Jr, Sheretz EF, Rietschel RL. Is Clumping Litter Bad for Cats? - Jess Caticles Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Interestingly it is mentioned that volcanic materials, clays and minerals such as montmorillonite filter VOCs and thereby limit human exposure to these dangerous compounds (63). Before using bentonite clay or any natural remedy on the skin, do a skin test for allergies. Various studies suggest that bentonite clay may reduce the effects of toxins. Bentonite clay has been researched as an effective way to remove some of the dangerousfluorideoften found in drinking water, which is linked to serious diseases such as diabetes, thyroid dysfunction and brain damage. Bentonite clay is a product composed of ash taken from volcanoes. Williams LB, Haydel SE, Ferrell RE. It prolongs the sleep time, improves the hypoxia tolerance capacity and reduces the spontaneous activities of those mice (59). What is bentonite clay? These articles had no time limit and the data were extracted from the first article in this field. Bentonite clay contains natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron, which may provide additional benefits. What Is Kaolin Clay? It is used to treat constipation, bloating and gas. Furthermore, it is reported that sun lotions containing specific proportion of bentonite mineral are more potent than commercially available sun lotion in absorbing the highest level of UV light (35). Cruz-Guzman M, Celis R, Hermosin MC, et al. 12 Stunning Zeolite Benefits + Uses, Reviews & Side Effects As geophagia is an occasionally habits of animals and humans (babies and pregnant women), physiologically it is assumed that earth might have some beneficial effects on body function. Bentonite clay is used for hair conditioning and styling because its minerals help to moisturize, soften and defrizz hair, especially curly hair, according to anecdotal evidence. (2008). and research shows that aflatoxin exposure is associated with an increased risk of liver cancer. You can take 1 teaspoon (tsp) of bentonite clay with 68 ounces (oz) of purified water and drink it once per day. Lead interferes with a variety of body processes and is toxic to many organs and tissues including the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys, and reproductive and nervous systems. (2005). Who should use it: Those with oily or acne-prone skin may find bentonite clay to be especially beneficial, though it can be too drying for those with dry or sensitive skin, says Fahs. Technically BC is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate clay. It has its own history. It's best to use fine-milled clay, preferably one milled to 325mesh. Healing clays like bentonite have a high concentration of minerals including silica, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and potassium. You can either eat hydrated clay 'paste' or drink liquefied clay.Hydrated Topical ApplicationTo mix the dry powder of a swelling clay into a hydrated state, mix 1 part clay with 3 parts water depending on the clay that you are using. I have used bentonite in baths and the drink before and it has helped a lot for gastro issues. Adding BC to your bath can help reduce swelling and soothe inflammation. Montmorillonite ameliorates hyperthyroidism of rats and mice attributed to its adsorptive effect. Synthesis and characterization of silver/montmorillonite/chitosan bionanocomposites by chemical reduction method and their antibacterial activity, Inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation and antibody production in vitro by silica, talc, bentonite or Corynebacterium parvum: involvement of peroxidative processes, [The effect of long term bentonite administration on mixed element metabolism in dwarf goats]. What Is Bentonite Clay Used For? Safe and Side Effects - MedicineNet FDA warns consumers about health risks with Alikay Naturals - Bentonite As with any natural remedy, people with health conditions should talk with their doctor before using bentonite clay to be sure that it is safe. Mcg/g is the same as parts per million (ppm). Why is your dog eating montmorillonite clay? It is said to make the hair strong, smooth, and shiny. Does Bentonite clay really detox you? | CANCERactive As explained more below, these include: Bentonite clay benefits your body in several key ways: BC can help to reduce the negative effects of toxins that we encounter everyday, such as those given off from paint, cleaning supplies, markers, substances used in building homes, low-quality unpurified water, and even pesticides. While in its natural state, bentonite clay has negatively charged molecules. Bentonite clay comes from the earth, where it may collect heavy metals, pesticides, or other substances. Then drink it right away. BC may benefit your pets as well. (1993). What bentonite clay dangers should you be aware of? Your body doesn't absorb the bentonite. As the foreign substances are absorbed, the clay expands filling the spaces between the clay molecule's stacked layers. Bentonite Clay Is a Superhero Ingredient for Oily SkinHere - Byrdie Many home remedies and medical treatments can help smooth the skin and reduce scarring. Dept. Then it might be concluded that bentonite counteract pesticides and herbicides toxicity. FDA laboratories have found elevated levels of lead in "Best Bentonite Clay." Exposure to lead can cause serious damage to the central nervous system, kidneys, and immune system. Effect of sodium bentonite or hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate on growth performance and tibia mineral concentrations in broiler chicks fed nutrient-deficient diets, Poly(d,l-lactide-coglycolide)/montmorillonite nanoparticles for oral delivery of anticancer drugs. Shameli K, Ahmad MB, Yunus WM, et al. Meanwhile there are few scientific articles reviewing the beneficial effects of clays on body function. (2012). It is also reported to act as a promising nanoscale size filler in food packaging industry (62). One study found that compared to calendula, bentonite had faster healing effects and is more effective at improving infantile diaper dermatitis. Many studies have looked at the health benefits of bentonite clay, though most of this research has used animal or cell models. Short-term safety and efficacy of calcium montmorillonite clay (UPSN) in children. Due to its high ionic charge, only the Smectite group of clays can adsorb and absorb. When cows which were poisoned with Lantana camara, were treated 5 days after with oral bentonite, five of 6 calves given bentonite recovered while 5 of 6 calves in the control group died and comparing with activated charcoal, the plasma total bilirubin concentration was statistically more appropriate in bentonite treated cows (22). (0.72 ounces or 20.4 grams), this means your oral lead dose could be as high as 765 mcg. 6 reveal a complete enveloping of the cancer cells with the nano-clays and it is also a testimony of the high binding . Keep the mixture in a clean glass container with a plastic, silicone, or glass lid. What Are The Dangers Of Bentonite Clay? - Shameli K, Bin Ahmad M, Zargar M, et al. Yes, there actually is, whether youre eating it or applying it to your skin. The plant-based diet continues to grow in popularity, and it can be You see them on top of sushi rolls or added to Japanese How to Use a Konjac Sponge (+ the Benefits for Skin). 3 . Then it acts like a magnet and sponge, absorbing harmful substances so they can be removed from the body. (2012). For more information, go to www . If a doctor approves it, give half a teaspoon mixed well with water once per day. The following list looks at the benefits of bentonite clay and what the research says. In nutrient-deficient broiler chicks, although bentonite increased food intake, but did not compensate tibia calcium decrement (53). Bentonite clay is a natural clay with a fine, soft texture. There are numerous animal feeding studies, which demonstrated that bentonites, can bind aflatoxins in ingested feed and reduce or eliminate the toxicity (1215). Traditional medicine recognizes clay eating (geophagia) as a natural detox method. (2014). (2011). National Library of Medicine Schell et al showed that in pigs, when clay is added to aflatoxin-contaminated corn, it partially restored liver function without greatly affecting mineral metabolism (10). In case of sunscreens, it has been reported that inclusion complexes of commercial sunscreens in montmorillonites have optimized functional properties such as water resistance and skin adherence, which make them good substrate in these types of skin product (34). In some places such as Iran, it has been widely used as a hair cleanser from old time. This can be applied topically by hand to any part of the body. Creatinine is able to diffuse from the blood vessel to the intestine and be reabsorbed in the intestine. Can It Cause Cancer? 4 Amazing Benefits Of Taking Citalopram At Night. Bentonite clay has a negative charge, meaning that it can bind to positively charged metals such as lead. Mix 1 tsp of bentonite clay with purified water and drink once per day. Bentonite clay as a natural remedy: A brief review. Bentonite clay is known to have an abundance of minerals, including. Natural calcium Bentonite clay has a high pH and an exceptionally strong adsorption and absorption ability. (2014). The site is secure. Bentonite clay has tonnes of skincare and nutritional benefits, most of which were not mentioned in this article. Thanks to its ability to neutralize bacteria in the gut and kill viruses, BC helps to alleviate many digestive problems. Baby Powder Asbestos Dangers: Should You Worry? Can Bentonite Clay cause cancer and Infertility? In 3 clinical trials on almost 300 people exposed to . Its possible that the reason people find relief in these situations has to do with the way bentonite protects the lining of your intestines from letting toxins through, which would otherwise contribute to leaky gut. Bentonite clay has been shown to act as a detoxifying agent. Adsorption of pesticides from water by functionalized organobentonites, Sorption of endrin to montmorillonite and kaolinite clays. Quaternium-18 bentonite lotion has been shown to act effectively in preventing or diminishing experimentally produced poison ivy and poison oak allergic contact dermatitis (28, 29). The exposure of carp (Carassius auratus to dietary cadmium caused oxidative stress, while montmorillonite supplemented in diet reversed relatively cadmium-induced oxidative damage in liver and kidney (25). However, not all clays are created equal. These microorganisms benefit the host by fermenting dietary fiber into short-chain fatty acids and synthesize vitamin B and vitamin K as well as metabolizing bile acids, sterols, and xenobiotics (42). Mix up to 1 teaspoon (tsp) of bentonite clay with 68 ounces (oz) of purified water and drink once per day. (2013). What Are the Dangers of Bentonite? | livestrong zeolite . The name of the clay stems from the town where today much of the supply is still harvested. It could cause a blockage in your intestines. Can Bentonite Clay Be Used For Pottery - MommyLikeWhoa A poison ivy rash can cause redness, irritation, and severe itching. Page 1 of 7 SAFETY DATA SHEET CLAYBENT34US35 VERSION NO. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. Rice water has been used as a traditional beauty treatment for centuries. The researchers explained that the cell formations and swelling of bentonite clay is the reason for this, and that it could potentially be effective against specific types of cancers (like glioblastomas), but not others. Southern LL, Ward TL, Bidner TD, Hebert LG. 'Detox' bentonite clay has high levels of lead, FDA says - STAT Armpit Detox: Does It Work? - Healthline Bentonite Clay can be used to protect the skin against certain harmful viral infections and bacterial growth. Bentonite users also reported significantly better symptom reduction and treatment efficacy. This allows the two to bind together easily and stay united while the toxin removal process happens. Because it acts as a natural cleanser and bacteria-killer, BC can help to remove odors from various surfaces (and your body!). Eriksson I. Then bentonite is being used in humans as a dietary intervention to prevent and cure aflatoxin toxicity. Studies have shown that it may actually lower the amount of certain toxins in the body, like aflatoxins. As such, it can be difficult to know whether the product contains only the ingredients on the label. The keyword included mainly bentonite to assess all the articles in medicine field. However, a 2016 trial in rats tested the impact of BC on weight loss and found that the supplement was correlated with weight loss, as well as decreased cholesterol. More research is needed before scientists will know the true benefits and risks of bentonite clay in humans. In one study using cows, scientists found that bentonite clay molecules bound to bovine rotavirus and bovine coronavirus, two major viruses that contribute to gastroenteritis (referred to asstomach flu in people). What Happens When You Stop Using Hydroquinone Cream? Despite being named after Fort Benton, WY, it can still be found in places all over the world. Health Benefits & Uses of Bentonite Clay | Wellness Mama One study in rats found that ingesting a montmorillonite clay product helped reduce weight gain among those eating a high-fat diet. 1. If diarrhea persists, see a doctor. Both types of bentonites contain a percentage of other minerals, as well as sand and silt that is filtered out. These articles explored among 2500 scientific articles published in PubMed to sort the scientific works have been done on the effects of this clay on body function (it was about 100 articles). It stimulates circulation and balances the pH level in the body. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. Bentonite clay was effective in treating diaper rash in one study. Moosavi, M. (2017). There has been. Bentonite is reported to have the capacity to absorb pesticides due to its cationic nature (18). The largest known source of BC is found in Fort Benton, Montana, where numerous volcanoes are present. It may also help it, Poison ivy is a plant that can cause skin issues, such as contact dermatitis. Once in the body, it helps to effectively eliminate toxins from the blood. 11 benefits of bentonite clay: How to use it and side effects People taking the bentonite clay experienced a significant improvement in abdominal discomfort and pain vs. those getting a placebo (a drug having no active properties).
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