avengers fanfiction peter scars
Ned and Peter headed towards the track, thinking that running was a safer activity than the others. Well figure it out. Fifth period was when it all went to shambles. After locating his apartment, Peter scales the brick walls, carefully avoiding the windows. Are you okay, man?, Yeah. This is part of a series. Peter Parker Stark - Battle Scars - Wattpad It's Peter Parker. "Wait wha--" Water went everywhere, hitting everybody in the face. Steves cooking skills ended with bacon, so Peter was grateful for Bucky to pick up the slack with the meal. He swung through the streets of Queens until he couldnt anymore, until his suit was soaked with sweat and he was breathing hard. Bucky sighed, looking back at Steve. You know I didn't do this to worry you. He hefted his backpack over his shoulder and grinned. Peters Spidey-Senses tingled, but after a quick look around he chalked it up to normal anxieties. In his lab, one of the only places free of judgement, he couldnt make anything without doubting himself. aroacenerd, Lucifer_03, ActuallyRandomPerson, hw_skz_mdzs, Mangle_Girl, Beastly_Pancake, lady_Slytherin, RaveDistress0, Lord_Obvious_Of_Duh, Possum33, Higgsy2002, Nlue, auntienessi, Hyperfixation_Central, Lenna_cylin, bookwormswillruletheworld, marze04, LarryWinchesterPotter, Orion_Lune_X, Hesitant_Sorrows, LIFE_IS_A_MESS, Aurelia363, Enigmaistaken, 00Choco_Charley00, MoonBlue, charlies_girlfriend, Stressin_depression, Cannotthinkofaname, Everythingisbookmarked86, Blushduh, BlueFoodMakesMeHappy, Anatalia3129, MyEmoPhase, riethu123, Coralsswayinginthesea, kyioko00, sweetlikehunny, Madam_Jayne24, HufflePuff1990, Uzumakiichigo, Niamh_9804, gdsmistake, bubblebearselena, MysteriousKnowledge13, sunscares, Ji_Ji, LittleFatCat, HOrnero_de_SUnandi_Argentino, anonymusbee, Fi_C, and 862 more users Maybe thats why Mr. Stark had seemingly forgotten his existence. Dont worry. But what could he do? Nah, I was just skyping with MJ and Ned, but it was nothing important. He started beating himself mentally, repeating in his head over and over again how stupid he is. He rose his head ,as a tear slipped down his cheek, he smiled and simply said a word. Did we miss team training?. be my father., Peter choked back the lump in his throat, tears building up in his eyes. It's part of the reason. When the elevator hits the bottom floor Peter is shocked to see that the sky is dark and the sun is barely peaking out from behind a cloud. I know that's a rather short chapter, but I know that some people have problems reading longer chapters in one sitting, and this was the most agreeable point at which to cut things off. I would like to try my hand on this. "Alright then people, change into your swimsuits and come into the right wing of the compound." Spiderman definitely had nothing to do with taking that guy down before he could turn every citizen in New York into his reptile underlings. Also known as torture for the teenage superhero with a secret identity. Peter walks into school with a funny grin still on his face. Thompson, Coach Wilson said, not bothering to hide his smirk now, hold your accusations. With one last smirk, he jumped, letting the web fly him up to the rafters. Wings, scars, and spiders oh my! Chapter 3, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Immediately he looked somewhere else and increased the speed with which he was tapping the ground. When they first gave me the arm, after I had fallen, I didnt want it. Peter fell asleep almost immediately tony chuckled at his small snores. Shit. "What the fu-," suddenly it all made sense, "Clint! Not going to say that I wasn't laughing at the begining of this chapter. Peter was doing his patrols as Spiderman when the earth shook. Im not beautiful and we both know it, Buck. He took a step towards Peter. Tony said with a smirk. He jerked his body once more to hook the last latch. He is facing Tony, as the others, scrambled across the room watch. Even Flash looked a little down at the sight. If we hadn't corralled them in that warehouse, they might have taken their drug war to the streets., I know, kid. Came the tired sounding voice of one Steven Grant Rogers, as he and Tony walked along one of the many hallways in the tower. I can feel you staring at me, Buck, Steve mumbled, refusing to open his eyes. Saturday passed the same way, except Peter spent most of the time that went into waiting for Mr. Stark on patrol. Never had the need to, this isnt my home, just a place I stay when Im needed. Bucky just sighed, leaning into his husbands touch and finding comfort in the hands, that were slightly calloused from holding pencils and paint brushed, massaging his scalp. But my point still stands. Tony, being the overprotective helicopter parent he is, has used his, so far limited, access to nano-technology to make a watch for Peter that tracks pretty much everything and can't be taken off by anyone other than Tony (or, in the event of Tony's demise, Pepper, May, Happy, or Rhodey) See part 1 and 2 of the series for reference. Peter blinked against the bright sunlight as he and Ned walked out of the school. Normally, Peter would be against revenge. Peter faked a stumble now and then to keep up the charade. St-- Tony, thats okay. Sam held victoriously his t-shirt in his hand, a big grin on his face. "T-That wouldn't work--uh--you know--uh im part spider. " Also he was a bad lair. You do not need the number of a homicidal maniac, we have Barnes for that! It was just Steve, something that never changed. Bucky looked up at Steve with wide eyes, a heart so full of love that he felt like he might explode. First of all he was a human with arcachnid powers, meaning he couldn't use very cold stuff. Just like that the shouting stopped and in its place was an awkward, uncomfortable silence. You dont have to hurt them to make them afraid of you, she muttered under her breath. But nothing in the world could have prepared him for gym. Also, the identities of other vigilantes are known to the Avengers (part of the fixed Accords thing), Last but never least, my very favourite part of this series, Peter swears in food names. Jessica stopped him and just threw him at me, told me to, and I quote, 'Get the french frying idiot some god donuts medical attention before he croaks like a little butt licorice'. It's not that he pushes people around or is a jerk or anything. She kept her face blank, which Peter knew meant she knew that wasnt the whole truth. Peter They all sat on the couch in the living room, since it had the most air conditioners. The rest of the gym had gone quiet, Peter realized as he dropped down to the mat. Browse Browse Paid Stories Editor's Picks The Wattys Adventure Contemporary Lit Diverse Lit Fanfiction Fantasy Historical Fiction Horror Humor LGBTQ+ Mystery New Adult Non-Fiction I know. ", or: "This was a nice conclusion, but this story could have played out very differently. How is that even possible?In fact, every time in the comics that Peter ignored his spidey-sense, was when he got (sometimes badly) hurt. (like seriously, if he were to throw a real punch, he would break their bones). For you. But now they've been exposed. And then other times, when one writer takes inspiration from another writer's story, and puts their own ideas and twists into it, they get attacked for stealing the idea. Sally Avril peered through the doors window, "Oh. He wasn't alone. "Hey Peter 'sup," Ned greets, "Why are you smiling?" "FRIDAY take me to the lobby please." So Pete, what do you think? (Well, no, actually I get it a little bit. If you want to contact me, I'm at Tumblr at both teardropsonrooftops and qquoththeravenn. Youre not my dad, Tony. Third period passed with only a few spitballs aimed at the back of his neck from Flash and his goons. Skins, instead of wearing a gross jersey you will be just taking off you shirt (this is also due to budget cuts) (A/N I think that might be illegal but for the purpose of the story it is not. At Coach Wilsons whistle, the group split up for each activity. He turned to kick Wilson, but it was too late. Peter was frozen in shock, mouth gaping and eyes wide. So, Peters class is coming to the compound, and I need you guys to be there. When did you meet that maniac? That doesn't matter. Instead, Im going to tell you all the good things that you do with your arm, Steve smiled slightly, straddling Buckys waist and putting his hands on Buckys shoulders laughing at the mans confused look. A few strides later, he sidled up to the line for ropes, cutting in front of Abe with a quiet apology. Avengers Training (Or, How Spiderman Kicks Everyones Butt) I used to wish the same thing with my father, and I know how bad it felt when he wasnt there for me. It wasnt like he thought Mr. Stark would forget about him. He stood still, letting Flash gain the lead. Spiderman has never called on us for help during his patrols, and as we have already established, all his bigger fights happened when we were out of state. Don't you think he is too young for that?, They turned to each other at once. But they didnt, the kid's breath began to pick up and everybody could hear it, as it echoed through the room. In the . I wanted to keep the universe I have created for the characters to live in, but didn't want to add fics that don't have a cliche busting theme into the series, as that felt like false advertisement to me. It didnt work out. I had a lot of fun writing it. ain't no sunshine by butmomilovemyboys "Spidey! Hed been pouting since Peter had cancelled their plans earlier that day. I wasn't alone. He sighed again. He often thought that the man was crazy for staying with him when Bucky was so unpredictable? Before he took out his phone to distract himself. The world seems to freeze as Peter begins to remove his shirt. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Maybe he shouldnt have pushed himself so hard the night before. Do you know how many automatic guns these clowns had? Thats not selfish, Peter. Whats wrong?" But now they've been exposed. You should have hit, with that baseball. 1. this one here is my very first and it has Ned slipping up to Stark Tower to talk to Tony bc Peter's sick and won't listen to him. They lauched themselves at Peter, Sam missed miserably, but Barton managed to grab his shirt. Peter, arms flexing as he held his position one latch from the top, looked down into Flashs eyes. Flash only had a racket. Go, Coach said from his spot off to the side, signaling the start of the race. As his bar hooked on the second latch, Peter grabbed his bar. "Ok, now that everybody is here I will explain. You went after the wrong person, Flash. He dodged their sloppy punches. Clint and Tony took this a declaration of war. You make dinner most nights because you can reach directly into pans and grab the hot food without fear of burning yourself. One word. Who did it?" But Jess said they are always like this. He doesnt want to give away his suit for something as stupid as missing curfew. Of course Im staring at you, youre the most beautiful man in the world, Steve hummed against Buckys chest, still not opening his eyes. "Actually i wasn't planing to swim at all, but that could work." I also take requests leave the in the comment a/n: Peter has scars from the vulture incident, he hid them very well. And while Tony would like nothing more than to continue arguing, he could admit to maybe, kinda, sort of seeing the point his friend was making. To be completely honest, I can't even remember the last time we were called in for something on the home front, ever since we got the Accords sorted out. He found himself captured by the beauty of the sleeping angel of a man next to him more often than he realized, most of the time being pulled out of his daydreaming when Steve laughed at him and called him a sap. Oh no. Do you want to do the horses- Steves words were interrupted by the sound of a car pulling up to their driveway, making both of them tense. Forgive me for any mistakes because I mainly wrote this at like 3 am after not writing for a couple of months. Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers do everything in their power to help him. Peters eyes widened, though he shouldnt be surprised. Tony has suggested to take you with us on our next mission. He couldn't bring himself to look his mentor in the eyes. (IDk if something would actualy happen to him because of some ice packs, idk??) On the other, he just revealed his identity to the world without a second thought. Alone they are mighty, but together, they are Earths mightiest heroes. Did y'all enjoy? Hi Peter. Tony clapped him on the shoulder encouragingly. If Peter maxes out in all the stats against other members of the Avengers except experience, his card would still win most of the time. The hairs on the back of his neck raised and he flipped backwards, over the kid who tried to get the drop on him, loyal to Flash to a fault. Reading them in order is strongly recommended. Tony merely snorted and kept on. Peter pulled the edge of the mask up - and ow, he forgot about his shoulder again- so that there was room to shove his middle finger into view of the camera. His thoughts were elsewhere. Bucky, Im not going to give you a bullshit Im sorry this happened to you speech because Im sure youve heard it enough. The color drains from the boys face and his eyes are filled with panic. Im not going to let this little shit get away with bullying Peter, and I feel like having an ex-Soviet assassin on my side might help the case, Tony had a smirk playing on his lips, so did Bucky. One. )," The coach says in a monotone breath. I know, kid. I dedicate this fic to Bibibisques! How egotistical,but it was true he couldn't bear to see someone close to him break apart. He was getting nervous and it was showing. Turns out he got hit by a few. He is a few thousand years old and has more than enough experience when it comes to fighting. Next weekend, okay?, Fine, Ned muttered, though he smiled as his mothers car pulled up. The weekend did not turn out the way he had hoped. Tony got called away for a mission. At first it was all fun and games for the others. Friday informs Peter. I mean it." I didn't mean to belittle what Peter does. "Teams, Skins will be, Flash, Tom, Chris, Robert, Evan, and," Peter sucks in a breath please, he prays, not me, not me, not me, "lastly Peter." 1953 guests Flash glared from above and dropped down. They make for good sparring partners, okay? The two waved back at the teen. Because of course Peter was allowed to call one of the deadliest women alive 'Tasha'. While the super soldier looked appropriately horrified, the spider enhanced teen in question just scoffed. So you can keep an eye on me?. Leeds, he called, voice gruff, you need the nurse?, He winced again, hand hovering over his leg. Steve took that moment to clear his throat. Rhodeys statment didnt faze them at all. Point of the matter is: I write what I want to read. He couldnt help the grin that overtook his face. Peter couldnt wait to prove him wrong. But Idefiantlywasn't laughing by the end. Peters instincts kicked in, eyes scanning the gym for the threat. They ask if I still have the scars. They grabbed him by the shoulders. Would you like for me to get him to your location?. as well as Mr.Stark held a painful expression, but did as told. At once. I can't lose you. Not cool, Tony. This time Mr.Stark asked. This is a series of one-shots of Peter whump or him just being stupid and Tony always being there for him. Year is MCU current 2025. I think it was Flash and his buddies. I'm always careful. He swung until Karen warned him of his pending exhaustion. Peter took the two steps separating him from his father (figure) and hugged him. My leg hurts a little though. He sat up with Peters help and ran a hand over his leg, letting out a pained yelp. His husband could do sinful things with those long artists fingers, and massaging wasnt where it stopped. Startling Peter a VERY loud whistle comes from the AI system. Nothing in the world. 5 Times Peter Fell Asleep On Tony Chapter 1: Car Ride, an avengers Remember what Mr. Stark said? with 7,462 reads. "Well shit" Peter says, hopefully Clint will forget Who am I kidding he's not going to forget. Again, first to ten wins the race.. Frank Castle?! Not even now he would say a thing. This fic is the last one in the 'Cliche busting' series, but the first one in the 'Bamf Peter' series. It was a damn hot day and everybody tried to get themselves cooler in a way. The teasing smirk on his lips betrayed the fact that Peter wasn't really upset. Tony rolled his eyes as he answered Clint. About 15 minutes later tony noticed a weight on his chest he looked down and saw peter curled onto his chest . PETER BEING MULTILINGUAL (REQUESTED PART TWO) - Wattpad By the time he went to sleep, he was exhausted. Bucky shook his head, flopping down onto the bed. Peter strided over calmly. Yeah, Im okay., Mr. Stark-- no, Tony-- smiled awkwardly. It was a nice pool, it was big and partially inside, that making it one of the best things. I know that Peter is an incredible hero, but I don't know what he is actually capable of. Clint shot the trio a surprised look. Both of them had sly smiles on their faces, waiting for the kid to panic. Instead his head stood low, looking at the water beneath him. ), Shout and yell and scream (is your throat raw or bleeding). Please! AND he meant those words one hundred percent. "I mean I'm fine. Nothing in the world. Why you may ask? Petr was truly surprised to see that people still didnt find out that he is Spider-Man after such a long time. (WARNING THE FIRST CHAPTERS ARE TOTAL CRAP , PLEASE SKIP THE FIRST 7 CHAPTERS , Coach Wilson cleared his throat, a warning to the advancing boy. Bruce and Sam went with him. I beat you, Flash, and everybody saw it. To tell him everything. He was the only one in the room that still had a t-shirt on and sweat pants. In many ways, Steve was his superhero, and he didnt need any of the others. The two also smiled at the younger and Steve nodded. He made sure to hide them well. Tony and the avengers are worried and protective. "Oh that must suck for you buddy. His eyes started glancing around the room, started tapping on the floor with his heel, he put his arms around hismself that shows he's trying to comfort himself. He let Neds familiar rambling wash over him as they moved towards their first class.
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